Part 1 The Arrival

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Part 1 The Arrival

The sun coming in through my window was always a pleasant sight.

I guess anyone who spent two years living in a basement would feel that way, though.

I glanced at my alarm clock. 6:44. One minute before the unpleasant noise would have jolted me from sleep.

Today was gonna be a good day.

And boy, was I wrong.

I pressed the button as soon as the buzzing sounded, and quickly climbed out of bed. I stepped into the bathroom and did some cleaning up. Combing my hair, washing my face, the works. I followed that by walking over to my desk and grabbed the red and white ball which sat peacefully on top. I pressed the white button in its center.

With a flash of white light, the ball opened, and a Pokemon appeared from inside. It was curled up into a ball, the brown spines on its back covering its entire surface. I rolled my eyes and gave him a little kick.

There was small grumbling from inside, followed by the ball slowly uncurling. "What?" came the voice from the snout of the Pokemon.

Of course, he didn't actually speak. He in fact said it in his Pokemon language, which consisted of saying his name over and over again. However, from all the time I had spent living as his species, I had developed acute understanding of Pokemon language.

"It's time to get ready, Sandslash. I have school now, you know."

"I liked it better when they were still talking about it in court. I got more sleep then." He just barely looked in my direction.

"Trust me, you do not want to be stuck in a court case for any longer than you have to." I replied. "Besides, it's not like you're the one doing any learning." I turned to my drawer and pulled out a set of clothes. "Though God knows how much you could use it." I muttered under my breath.

"I heard that." He replied, with a little less drowsiness in his voice.

I pulled on a plain purple shirt as I pointed toward the pile of stuff next to my backpack. "Think you could throw that stuff in there?"

"Sure. What else am I supposed to do?" He walked over.

I ruffled his head as I walked out. "Thanks pal. I'm gonna eat."

Stepping into the kitchen, I was greeted with the smells of my mom cooking breakfast. I carefully stepped over her tail before continuing.

Oh yeah. Maybe I forgot to mention, my mom is part Pokemon. She ended up in the middle of one of our struggles, and ended up having a special serum forced into her blood, making her into a rare Pokemon-human hybrid. Part of that package was the tail.

"Morning, Todd." She smiled over in my direction. "This is it, huh? You ready to go back?"

"Nope," I replied honestly, "gotta do it sometime, though."

She ruffled my messy hair. "You battled a super monster to save the city. You'll live."

"It's high school, Mom. Everyone there would rather be fighting a giant monster." I grabbed a few items from her cooking stack (her preferred method of serving meals) before sitting down at our small table.

"You've already done it one year. And according to your tests, you qualify for junior year classes."

"Yeah. Great."

She sighed and sat down next to me. "Look, you can tell me what's bothering you. I spent too long with you out of the house to have you not telling me things."

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