Part 6 Once Again

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Part 6 Once Again

Jokermon chuckled slightly as he continued through the building. Of course it was a good idea to get the secretary first. She had access to the intercom. The students still had no idea what was about to happen.

He came to an intersection of hallways, and glanced down each. Not seeing anything to sway his decision, he made his choice most logically.


He was simple like that.

This hallway, like the rest of the school, was completely quiet, all of the students and teachers engaged in the various types of education. He took his steps only a little cautiously, his only concern being making sure his steps weren't too loud as to raise suspicion.

At least, not until he wanted to.


Adrian frowned as they approached the school. There was no immediate sign of damage or destruction, but Jokermon was inside for sure. There was no telling how much chaos he could create in a short amount of time.

Joey looked around. "I'm noticing a general lack of complete terror. What do you suppose that means?"

"I'd say it means he's either met surprising resistance..." Hari replied, working around with his backpack, "...or he's been waiting for us."

As if on cue, a small rumble could be heard from inside, before a wall near the front of the building crumbled. People quickly began pouring out.

"Yeah. There's the terror..." Joey muttered.

They quickly rushed inside, finding themselves in an small room, likely an office. The furniture and objects had been tossed around throughout. There was even an armchair partially buried under the rubble of the wall.

"Now what do you suppose could have made that?" Harper asked, mainly looking at Hari.

"My guess?" He replied as they walked out into the hall. "Something really big, really strong, and-"

"-Something like that?" Nelly interrupted, pointing further down the hall. The group turned, finding an intimidating sight awaiting them.

The creature before them was incredibly large, definitely too big for the somewhat thin hallway. It had incredibly broad shoulders, but that was about all they could see from the back.

"Oh. Well, s***." Joey gawked.

Taylor smacked him.

"Enough." Adrian frowned. "All right, how do you think it got here?"

Hari looked back down the hallway. "The destruction seems to end, or rather start, right at the main desk there. So most likely..." He glanced back at the monster. "He went for the secretary first, and decided she could handle the rest."

"So he's probably deeper in the building, doing who knows what." Harper shuddered.

"All right, here's what we do. Harper and Taylor are the two strongest, we'll need you focused on keeping this thing occupied until we can find a way to contain it or cure it. The rest of us will go further in, and try to find Jokermon and stop him."

There was an uncomfortable silence. For a few moments, no one dared to move.

"Let's go!" He barked, and Harper sort of nodded, lightly tugging Taylor in the right direction.

As the others ran off, they stared at the beast from behind, still tearing blindly through wreckage. "How do you suppose we get its attention?" Harper asked.

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