Part 4 Broken

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Part 4 Broken

-Two days later-

The wind whipped over the hills around them, and different obstructions interrupted the wind flow, resulting in a broken, quiet whisper of air that sent a chill down a few spines.

That didn't stop them, of course. They had orders.

"They" were a moderately small group of teens and young children who were walking down a quiet path. Anyone who might normally walk through had long left. There wasn't much of anything there besides the trees and large patches of tall grass. That and, of course, the research facility they had been sent to investigate.

It would supposedly contain some strange creatures. These were what they supposed to get, what their orders told them to do.

Each was a pretty ordinary child at first glance, but looking deeper revealed their true state. They were soldiers, slaves, whatever you wanted to call it, all performing tasks using their new remarkably powerful abilities.

No one said anything as they walked, all making their way to the facility. Upon reaching it, they found the door boarded up. The one at the front, a teen with smooth black hair with streaks of red, stepped aside, while saying, "You do the honors."

Another teenage boy stepped up to the front, grabbed the boards and, without hesitation, tore them from the wall. They pulled open the door and began wandering inside.

They found their way around the facility and made it to the location they were supposed to reach. A large room lined with shelves with strange balls placed on them. Each one contained something different, according to their labels. They began grabbing balls off of the shelf and placing them onto their belts, which held several holders for the devices. Once full, they began to make their way out. 

While they did, one among them, a teenage girl, struggled with her belt. She hadn't been properly fitted, which seemed like a significant problem to her, and now was proving to be. She couldn't get the thing to secure, and just when she thought she got it, it snapped back, falling to the ground and scattering the balls she had collected across the floor.

She groaned aloud, and reached down to pick one up, but suddenly she felt a large headache hit her. She rubbed her head trying to ease the pain, but it wasn't working. She felt as if something in her mind were being stretched to the limit, and was almost ready to snap. She had never experienced anything like it, and couldn't even make a sound. She simply curled up and waited for the feeling to be over.


The others in the group felt a similar feeling almost the same time that she had. They bent over in pain, trying to figure out what they could do to subside the pain. One of them made his way to the open door. 

It slammed shut less than a foot in front of him. The lights, which they had activated when they had entered, quickly began to fry, leaving the room in almost pure darkness.

That was when they began being picked off.

One suddenly felt himself be lifted into the air, and flung towards a group of three more, who all slid into a wall behind them. Another was thrust into the ceiling before dropping down again, unconscious. A set of two picked up simultaneously and bashed into each other, before being dropped to the ground.

In only a few moments, all of them had been taken out, and lay on the ground quietly.

All except the girl who had still been in the other room.

Her pain having subsided, and her head being remarkably clear, she wandered out, but stopped cold and scrambled behind the door when she saw the other scattered across the floor.

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