Gwen tells blake about the baby

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Gwens POV: Blake was sleeping I kept on trying to wake him up by saying his name in his ear . I finally got up and said what's wrong Gwen are you ok , Gwen was smiling at Blake , Blake she said I have something to tell you . Blake  said what it is her you ok from earlier. I said yes I'm fine now that I found out why I was having all the pain. Blake gave Gwen a weird look still not sure what Gwen was saying . Gwen finally got up the nerve to say Blake I love you so much and I hope this doesn't bring us a part but I hope it brings us closer. Blake Gwen said were having a baby , I'm pregnant! Gwen said smiling very happily. Blake started crying tears of joy over the fact there having a baby Blake got close to Gwen and put his lips on hers and they started kissing and Blake stopped kissing and put a hand on the little baby bump Gwen had . Blake said are you seriously having a baby ! He said very excited about it . Gwen put her hand on top of blakes that was still on the baby bump and look right in his eyes with tears nodding her head yes we're having a baby. Blake and Gwen were so excited about there little one on the way , it was May 2017 and Blake and Gwen got married last December. The couple started getting ready for the baby to come into the world . Gwen was now 2 months pregnant and today they were going to find out what the gender of the baby was . They got to the doctor and went to the room and the doctor came in and put the thing on Gwens baby bump to find out what if the baby was a boy or girl . A picture came up on the little TV next to the couple and the doctor said its a girl ! Gwen started crying said omg it's a girl looking at Blake are baby girl . Blake was crying too about how the baby was going to be like .

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 12, 2016 ⏰

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