My Little Girl

598 11 5

January 2007
Justin's pov
"Daddy!" I hear her yell from her room. "Coming" I yell, running up the stairs. I open her door and see her trying to tie her shoes. Me and her are going out with Cameron today, they have only met a couple times, and I would like them to spend more time together. "I can't do it" "here" I say tying them for her. "Thank you daddy" I kiss her forehead. I go into my room and change before grabbing my coat. "Andy let's go" "coming daddy" she says slowly coming down the stairs with her teddy bear tucked under her arm. "Mr. Teddy can't come" "but daddy" with tears in her eyes. I kneel down to her level, "baby girl don't cry, he will be right there when we get back, you'll still have me" "you won't leave me" "never baby girl, you're my everything, now can you smile for me" she looks at me. "Don't make the tickle monster come out" she giggles and smiles at me. "Come on let's go" I say grabbing her coat and helping her put it on. She walks out of the house while I lock the door. I walk with her to the car and buckle her in to the car seat. My album has been a great success, and tour is already in full swing, when I go around the world Andrea is not allowed to come with me. I tried convincing them, but it was no use. I barely got through tour last time, without so much bad luck. She will be staying with my mom while I'm gone, and I'm going to miss her like crazy. When we arrive at the diner I get out and help Andy out of the car. As soon as I get her out she holds my hand. "Hey j" I turn around to see Cameron walking towards us. She sees Andrea and looks at her "hey Andrea" she looks at me then Cameron, before hiding behind me and holding onto my leg. I put my hand on her shoulder, "let's go eat" I say leading everyone inside. We get seated and order our drinks. Me and Cameron talk while Andy colors, holding my hand the whole entire time. We order our food and wait for it to come. "Daddy daddy" Andy says pulling at my shirt "yes sweetie?" "I need to go to the bathroom" "uhh ok let's go" "I'll take her" "thanks Cameron" she takes Andy's hand and leads her to the bathroom.
Cameron's pov
I wait for her to go to the bathroom, she comes out and washes her hands. "Are you gonna take my daddy away from me?" She sad looking at me. "No sweetie, I would never do that." "Ok my mommy left us" "yea I know and I'm sorry" "she didn't love us" "yea she did, she just didn't say it to you" she nods and walks out with me following her.
Justin's pov
Andy climbs back up into the booth and hugs me. "I love you daddy" "I love you too baby girl" I give Cameron a questioning look and she mouths I'll tell you later.
After we leave the restaurant, Cameron tells me what Andrea had asked her in the bathroom. She then kissed me and left to go home. I strapped Andy into her car seat, "sweetheart Cameron isn't going to come in between us ok? She understands. Ok?" She nods "but where is mommy?" "Mommy broke up with daddy and moved on" "mommy doesn't love us" "no honey but I do and I always will" she looks up and me and smiles before kissing me on the cheek. "Let's go home and watch a movie" "lion king" "alright" I say getting into the car and driving us home.
"Go grab the movie and I'll make the popcorn" I say, my phone start ringing and I pick it up
C-hey j it's me
J-hey babe
C-I have to talk to you about something
J-ok what's up?
C-I don't think or relationship is going to work out
J-what why?
C-well we have a 9 year ago difference, and I don't think Andy likes me too much.
J- of course she does
C-jay stop she doesn't ok? She never talked to me until today and she asked me that question.
J- ok so.
C- jay go find yourself a better lady that Andy likes and could be her mom. She is going to need one down the road. I don't think you could handle a teenage girl by yourself.
J- yeah I guess your right. Well I guess this is goodbye.
C- yea I guess bye j. Good luck
J- bye cam good luck to you too
"Daddy I got the movie." She says running into the kitchen. She looks at me, "daddy why are you sad?" I pick her up and set her on the counter. "Cameron broke up with me" her mouth goes wide open, I chuckle. "You laughed, I got you to laugh" "yeah ok you win" "do you want uncle jimmy to come over with aunt Nancy. I need her advice right now" "yea!" I call him and tell him, and they were on their way.
Knock knock
I open the door for them and they come in both giving me hugs. "Where is Andy?" "Andy!" She comes running down the stairs in her pjs and mr. Teddy tucked under her arm. "Uncle jimmy!" She shouts running into his arms. I turn to Nancy "Cameron broke up with me. I don't know what to do?" "Why?" "She told me it was because of the 9 year ago difference, and that Andy doesn't like her" "Andy doesn't like most other people besides you" "she's daddy's little princess" "my god she has you wrapped around her finger too" I laugh before looking at Andy watching the movie with Jimmy, I smile before turning back to Nancy. "You need to spend time with Andy as much as you can before tour, and find a women a little later, because you're gonna need one to manage that one" she says pointing at Andy. "I'm fully aware, that I'm totally in for it" "you have no idea Timberlake" she says before heading to sit down on the couch. I sit down, and Andy crawls off Jimmy and lays down next to me with her head in my chest. "I see how it is" Jimmy says, "you're going to have your hands full in the next couple of years, dad i need to get to basketball practice, dad can I go over to my friends house" Jimmy says in a high pitched voice. "I know, I wish she couple stay a little kid forever." "All parents do" "I just don't want her to grow up" I lean down and kiss her forehead. She falls asleep at he end of the movie and I do as well. I head Jimmy and Nancy leave, before picking Andy up and putting her into her bed. I kiss her forehead, "I love you baby girl" I walk back to my bedroom and fall asleep as soon as I get into bed.

Sorry it took so long for me to update!! Ive been focusing on tunnel vision. Trying to get it done.
Please comment and vote!!
Thanks so much!!
Have a good rest of the week!!

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