Vacation Time

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Andy's POV

This is exciting! Going to Florida is gonna be great! I'll see the beautiful beaches, the warm weather, the smoothing sea waves. The fun sandcastles I'll build with Daddy and Jess. Not to forget, I'm going to see a romantic wedding too.

Kathy's wedding, a friend of the family. I did think back then I'd see Kathy marry my dad instead of soon-to-be-husband. Well, things are different. Daddy's moved on, Kathy's marrying the man of her dreams.

I can only imagine Kathy walking down an aisle looking like one of those Disney princess with a pretty white dress. She'll be looking so pretty like how Ariel married Eric in the Little Mermaid.

I bet in the near future Daddy will be standing at the altar waiting for my new mommy. I can only imagine who my new mommy will be, maybe Jess?

But whoever is my new mommy I promise to love her and let her boss me around like Daddy does. Sometimes...

The one thing I still want to know is who my real mom is. I never really talk about her or ever hear from her but I really want to know her. I want to know why she left me and abandoned Daddy and me. I know if I ask Daddy he'd say we will talk about it when I'm older, like I'm too small to comprehend why she left.

As for the mini vacation, here we are getting ready to leave to this fun trip to Florida. I have been ready for over a week getting impatient to go. I haven't had a vacation lately since Daddy has been working often right now, you know starring in movies.

I drag my huge sparkly purple suitcase down the stairs along with my Barbie backpack on my shoulder. Daddy carried the rest of our luggage down the stairs.

The trip is going to be for a week and a half, partly vacation and partly some business Daddy has to do? I don't know all I know is it involves work. But Daddy promises me that he will spend lots of time with me and Jess when we are there.

Once we do come back from the trip, Daddy wants me to go back to school. Not home school, I mean actual school. Private school. This will be my first time going to a school, but I don't mind. I'm glad as a matter a fact, I want to go to school.

Maybe if I go to this private school I can get a chance to see that boy I've been crushing on. I haven't had the chance to talk to the cute boy in our neighborhood partly because Daddy doesn't let me outside when he's not home.

And if I do go outside, Daddy is always there. It sucks but I know one day I will talk to that boy. Right after I come back from this trip, I cross my fingers he likes me too. I've never been around too many kids around my age. Better yet, boys. If only Daddy would let me talk to at least one boy. Just one won't be the end of the world. (Not counting Tommy).

As soon as we finished getting our luggage in our car we head off to pick up Jess at her home. Hey, maybe if I talked to Jess about my little problem she can convince my dad to let me talk to boys.

Maybe I should tell Grandma too. She'll tell him alright to let me talk to boys.


"Andy, come on," Daddy takes my hand as we walk to our hotel room. We arrive to the hotel after a few hours once we landed in the airport. We arrived sooner thanks to traffic jams.

Here we are now searching for our room, room E413. Our room is a small room, two beds. One for Jess and Daddy and the other for me.

I roll my suitcase down the hall to come across the room number, "it's here!" I point to the door.

Daddy quickly goes over and opens the door with the hotel key he has dangling on his wrist. He unlocks the door to welcome us to our room.

It's quite a fancy room, there's a tv right in the middle of the two beds. There's lamps round the room, a tall lamp sits next to the wide balcony, there's also a bathroom next to the lamp.

I run over to the doorknob. I turn and enter the shiny clean bathroom. It's pretty big, the bathtub was wide, then there's the shower. Glass shower. The long wide mirror of the bathroom is so cool. The lights of the bathroom are so cool I can see my face is covered with a small white mark below my light freckles.

"I see you like the bathroom?" Daddy peeks inside the fancy white bathroom.

"It's so big! I like it," I spin around in joy.

"I'm glad. We're going out for dinner. Do you wanna pick the place?" He asks.

"I do!" I yell. I run back to the room to head out to pick a place to eat. I'm so ready for this fun trip. I have some many things in mind.

Huge shoutout to LittleSecretFan for writing this for me!! Thank you so much!!!
I feel bad for not updating this but I will start to update more I promise.
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