Old Friends

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Andy's POV

Grandma is driving us out to wherever I wish to go, but before we go to the Art Museum, she takes to go shopping. Grandma wants to buy us some dresses for my upcoming birthday party. I officially am turning seven, while my turns. . . I'm not sure how old he turns since he never wants to reveal his age. Grandma says because he doesn't want to feel old. I don't understand my dad looks young to me, he could probably pass as my brother since I was born when he was young.

Grandma speeds her way down to the closest mall from the house. She wants to make it quick so we can have time to spend in the museum.

She quickly parks the car and has me unbuckle in a zap. Then bam we are off looking for outfits. "Andy, make sure you cover yourself well, it's freezing cold out here." Grandma buttons my coat buttons. She then grabs my hand and swiftly takes me inside the mall.

"Alright, pumpkin, where to first?" Inside the mall was huge. It's been a long time since I've gone shopping in the mall, usually Daddy buys me clothes through the internet because he's afraid that paparazzi might chase after us.

I took a good look around the mall. I couldn't believe that in one location you can find so many stores to choose from. Grandma tightens the grip on my hand and leads us to a store called Justice.

"You'll like this store," Grandma says.

We enter the store and we're greeted by some female employees. "How can we help you today?" A woman with short white blond hair asks.

"We're looking for some dresses. Do you know where y'all keep the dresses?" I kindly ask.

"Why, yes. Follow me, I'll take you to your destination," the lady leads us to the back of the store to where they keep their stylish dresses.

"Look, Grandma! Aren't these dresses beautiful?" I run over to a cute purple striped dress.

"Yes, indeed they are," Grandma beams.


Hours have past and Grandma and I have bought many clothes and shoes at many stores. It was fun shopping with Grandma, I love spending time with her. I love how she spoils me when Daddy isn't around to see, she and I are very close. I tell Grandma everything.

We have just finished ordering some Burger King, we try finding a seat. We find a booth and sit across each other. I pull out my fries and burger out of the Burger King bag as Grandma does the same.

"Fun day, huh?" Grandma asks.

"Yeah! I love all the clothes you bought me today, Grandma! I promise I'll wear them all just for you." I tear open the bag of ketchup and squish out the ketchup.

"Aww, pumpkin, you're so sweet!" She bit into her burger.

"Grandma, can tell you something?" I question.

She nods. "Of course, baby. What is it?" She wipes the sauce she has on her chin with a napkin.

"You promise not telling Daddy this? I don't want him to know until it's the right time."

"I promise, what is it?"

"I feel. . . Like I like this boy. He lives around our neighborhood and I was wondering what I should do. I know if Daddy knows this he'll freak out. I want to talk to him but I don't want to have Daddy scared. What should I do?"

"Wow, baby this is a huge step. I didn't think you'd like a boy this early," she clears her throat. "I think if you like him that much, I'd talk to him."

"Thanks Grandma. How am I going to speak to him if I'm practically at home all day?"

"How about you ask your dad to play outside so you can talk to him. You don't need to be suspicious, you're just going outside."

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