Dating and Dates

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Kathy is now is a relationship with another guy. Not me.

Andy is heartbroken and well I kinda am too. She found the man she was looking for,  a normal guy, that loves Tommy to death.

I was famous and well she wasn't. I'm never going to find a girl that was for me. I thought it was Kathy. Well I guess not, now life is ok I guess.

Me and Kathy don't hang out much, she is either busy with tommy and her boyfriend, Ray, or with work. We still text and she and ray have set me up with a mutual friend of theirs.

And well it's tonight. Yeah. And I'm nervous. All I heard was her name was Jessica, and she is an actress. Kathy said she was perfect for me. Hopefully she is, I need Andy to have a mother figure in her life. Come on justin.

"Daddy when are we going to see Kathy?" Andy asks me.

"Not today honey, daddy has a date tonight"

"I wanna see Kathy"

"Honey maybe this weekend, she has work just like daddy does, you ready for school"

"I need to grab my shoes"'

"Okay hurry up and finish your breakfast so we can go?" She eats her last bite of the ego waffle I made her and runs up the stairs. She comes down seconds later with her tennis shoes on and a sweatshirt.

I grab my shoes and put them on, before helping Andy with her backpack. I open the door and she leads me outside. The bus comes as soon as we walk out. I lean down and Andy wraps her arms around my neck, kissing my cheek. She runs up to the bus and waves to me before getting on the bus. She sits down in the middle of the bus against the window. She waves to me before the bus drives away.

Andy's pov

"Miss. Wilson I don't feel good" I say coming up to her desk. We just had lunch, and its raining so we have indoor recess. She looks up from her computer. "Okay sweetie, just go up to the nurse" she pats my shoulder, I leave to go to the nurse.

When I get there I sit in one of the chairs and wait for my turn. "Okay next" I walk in to her desk "Andy Timberlake funny seeing you here?"

"Hi Mrs. K my stomach hurts" she frowns

"Aww ok do you feel like your going to get sick?"

I shake my head "not right now, but I was earlier that's why I came down here"

"Okay just go sit in the bathroom, is your dad home?"

"I'm not sure"

"I'll call" she smiles before dialing dads number. I sit in the bathroom, right near the toilet.

Justin's pov

"Hello" I say

"Hi Mr. Timberlake, school nurse Mrs. Kramer, Andy has just come into the office and said her stomach hurts, would you be able to come pick her up?"

"Uh yeah. I'll be there in 10 minutes" I hang up and grab my sweatshirt and close the door behind me.

I walk into the school and go to the nurses . The place i seem to be coming a lot lately. Andy keeps getting these stomach aches. And I can't seem to figure out what it is.

I walk into the office and Mrs. Kramer smiles at me. She points to the bathroom, i sigh and walk in. Andy is sitting by the toilet, she looks up when I come in the room. She gets up and hugs me.

"My stomach really hurts" she mumbled

"I know baby, let's get you home" I grab her hand and help her up.

Mrs. Kramer hands me her backpack and lunch. I put her lunch in her backpack slinging it over my shoulder.

I bring Andy home and she goes up to her room and closes the door. I sigh, I have my date tonight.

I have to leave in 20 minutes, shit. I change out of my outfit and put on another one, consisting of black jumpers and a blue button up shirt. I run my hand through my hair. Knocking on Andy's door. Open it and finding her watching tv. "Come on let's get you something to eat , I need to leave soon"

She nods, "but uncle Jimmy is coming over to watch you" I smile and she does back

"Bye honey, I love you" I kiss her forehead she gives me a hug and kisses my cheek. Before grabbing Jimmy's hand and giving me a wave with the other. I get in my car and drive away.

"Hi I'm Jessica" I shake her hand, grabbing it and kissing it after.

"I'm Justin" she blushes, god she is beautiful. Kathy was right she is amazing.

"You're an actress right?"

"Yeah. Seventh Haven" she replied "that was you? I love that show!"

She laughs and I join her, "well I like some of yours two, and your music as well"

"Well thank you, I'm surprised I've never seen you around" I explain she nods in agreement

"Yeah me too"

We eat dinner and talk the whole time, never a awkward silence in sight. She and I have so much in common. She is so nice, and is funny, and is just beautiful. I walk her out to her car, and stop facing her. "I would love to do this again"

"Yeah me too" she smiles

"Well I'll see you again"

"Can you give me your phone number?" I nod and she hands me her phone. I type my number in and she typed hers into mine. We exchange back.

"Bye Justin"

"Bye Jessica" I say kissing her cheek.

I haven't touched this in so long. Guys I wanna thank LittleSecretFan for writing stuff on this chapter for me!! Guys she is a lifesaver, and is awesome!! Don't know what I would do without her!!
I will try to update this more!!
Please comment and vote!!
Till next time!!
And guys jt's concert last night. Ahhh. And his interviews, in London, like aww. I just can't, watch them if you haven't already😊

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