Chapter 11

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Luhan's Mansion

Luhan POV
It's really Yoona that I had met yesterday. Yes , it's her. She really hating me now. I already know that it will happen. I can't blame her as it's all become like this because of myself
'Who are you ? I didn't know who are you.'

'I didn't love a liar. Anyway , I already have a husband now. I have a daughter and live a happy life. Why I should remember you ? You're not important in my life anymore. Tell me , should I ?'

'Stop calling me Yoong. I'm Oh Yoona right now. I'm not the old Yoona that you'd hurt and leave. Now , get out of my way.'

I'm so sorry that you're not mine anymore , Yoona. You're right. I can't call you as Yoong again. I have no right to call you as Yoong anymore. I have no right. That's right , I have no right.

Luhan , she's married now. You should realise it and you shouldn't disturb her anymore. Yes , that's what I should do. 'Appa , can I talk something with you ?' I looking at my left side , Taeyong's standing there.

'Sure. Here , sit here with me.' I said and grab his wrist. He sit beside me on the couch. 'So , what do you want to ask ?' I looking at him.

'Appa , what is the meaning of friendship in your life ?'

'Friendship ? For me friendship is the relationship that's form by friends , promises , loves and the most important it's about our heart. Our heart that we need the sincerity in friendship.'

When Taeyong talking about friendship , that's all I can said for his information. It's already two years now without my bestfriend , Sehun. He's my only friend that's so kind and not betraying me. That's also my fault and he's not the person I should blame as well.

'Appa , did you ever have a bestfriend ? I mean the bestfriend that's always being with you and so closed with you.'

'Everyone will have one or more than that. I also have bestfriend.'

'Where is he ?'

'He's so far from me now. That's all my fault.'

'Appa , don't blame yourself. I also make mistake with my friend at school. Should I apologise ?'

He blinking his eyes. Waiting for my answers. 'You should , son. Friend is important in our life. Don't you ever lie or betraying his or her trust toward you.'

'Okay !'

'Good boy.'

Kris's Cooperation (Korea)

Sehun is really busy at his office at the time. There's many files that he has to read and study. His assistance , Baekhyun entering the office. 'Mr Oh , did you call me ?' Sehun nod.

'Take a sit. I need to discuss something with you.'

Baekhyun take the seat. Not long after that , Sehun joining him. 'I just want to ask. The position for advertising manager still available , right ?'

'Yes , we never find the suitable person.'

'I want you to stop the interview now. I already found the suitable person for the position.' Baekhyun frowning. He actually wonder who is it actually.

'Okay. Oh , before that. Mr Kris send this for you.' Baekhyun give the chocolate envelop to Sehun. 'I need to go. Call me again if you need my help.' Sehun nod. Baekhyun stand up and then leaving the big office.

Sehun open the envelop and there's a letter from Kris for him. It's not just a letter but along with a form. Sehun deciding to read the letter first.

From : Kris Wu
To : Oh Sehun
I'm sorry that I can't informing you directly about this. I'm going to Switzerland right now and so far from you. I just want to tell you something important.

Sehun , I actually already thought you as my bestfriend. You're so hardworking and talented worker.
I'm going straigth to the point. With this letter I attach along with another important letter. It's actually the letter that informing you that you're now the biggest share holder in Kris Cooperation in Korea. I believe fully with you and with that I handing the company for you completely.

You're my new hope. I never met a person like you. You're so kind hearted and I believe in you. Manage the company like you manage your own family.

Your big boss , Kris Wu

After read the letter , his eyes widely open in shock. He never thought that someone really believe with his abilities and handed the company to him directly.

'Thank you , Kris. I really appreciate this. I'll never let this company or anyone disappointed that you're choosing me. I'll try my best.'

Sehun smiling. He feel so glad that someone trust his ability.

It's in the evening. Sehun once again visiting the park that he used to hang out with Luhan when they're still students or kids. Sehun looking around the park and another memory playing in his mind. This time he's hallucinate. He see Luhan and himself on the cuddle.

>> flashback <<

'Hyung , did you think I can success in my life soon ?' Sehun asked.

'Of course , why not. You have many potentials , friend. I'll always praying the best for you.' Luhan said with a smile on his lip appeared. 'I'm going to be a businessman in the future. If I can , I want to be someone that can be trusted.' Sehun said while swinging the cuddle.

'I'll always trust you.'

'Thank you again , hyung.'

>> end of flashback <<

Sehun POV
If we're still like that , I'm sure we're going to be really happy in our life , hyung. We don't have to hating each other like this. Luhan that I know never lying and cheating with someone. He always honest and kind. The most important , he keep his promise and never break it.

But why you broke Yoona's heart ? It make me feeling more sad that I'll being the second after you. She love you first and I'm the second one. You're lucky being the first. If I can , I want be in your position but I'll not being stupid like you. I'll never do what you'd done.

Bip ! Bip !

My handphone vibrating. There's a two text message at the same time. One from Baekhyun , my assistance and one from Yoona , my beloved wife. I open the message from Yoona first.

From : Oh Yoona
To : Sehun
Sehun , tonight there'll be a dinner at our mansion. I've invite Suho oppa and Krystal again.
Please come back fast. I miss you and I love you.

I smile widely when I read the last paragraph of her message. It's make me feel so happy. Then I open the message from Baekhyun.

From : Assistance Byun
To : Mr Oh
Mr Oh , I just want to inform you something. Lu's Corp inviting us for their company anniversary tomorrow. They really want us to come along with our family to celebrate it together. Sorry for disturbing.

Company anniversary ? Should I come or just giving an excuse that I can't come ?


Chapter 11 update !
So Kris handing the K's Cooperation in Korea to Sehun. What a lovely friendship they have right. ☺
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