Getting To Know Each Other

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About 25 minutes later, Chris pulls up into this big and beautiful restaurant, but it wasn't any old restaurant, it was a restaurant on a huge and beautiful boat. It looked like place where rich white people go to eat. And I was so surprised at why he choose this place.
Chris: Well are you going to stay in the car or come on ( he smirks).
Me: Sorry, I am just so amazed at this restaurant, it is something new for me, cause most of the guys I been on dates with either take me out to Mc. Donalds or to Burger King....
Chris: Wowwww, you be liking some cheap ass dudes.. (He laughs)
Me: Shut up, hey not everyone is like you.
Chris: Well, they should be, we need more nice guys like me, so we can keep beautiful women like you around. (He smiles and winks at me)
Me: Well, that's what they all say, and they turn out to be fuck boys. So I really don't have luck with good guys like "you".
Chris: True, well if u give me a chance I can treat you the way you deserve.
I was surprised that chris even said that cause I thought this a business trip. But, I should've known better. And tbh I am catching feelings for chris. He seems like such a gentleman. And as I look into Chris's eyes too see if he was serious, and he was. All I could really do was smile.
Me: Well, if you keep it up, I might give you a chance.
Chris: Well, those are the words that I love to hear.
Chris holds his hand out and he grabs mines, to guide me to the boat.
Chris: You ready...
Me: Of course, I am ready for anything.
Chris: Oh really. Well lets go then.
As me and chris walk up the boats ramp, I can smell tons of delicious foods , and my stomach was actually starting to growl. A waiter tells us where to sit and acts if we want anything to drink.
Chris: I will take a glass of champagne.
Waiter: And you mama....
Me: I will take a glass also, thank you.
Waiter: Okay, I will bring you guys your drinks and the menu will be coming soon.
I look down at my phone to see what time it was and it said 5:30, Nicki didn't call or text me so I guess I am in the clear. As I look back up from my phone, I see chris looking at me really hard, but in a good way.
Me: What....
Chris: You are just so damn beautiful, I mean like I never meet a girl as beautiful as you. And its killing me cause right now I just wanna..... Never mind.
Me: What did you want to say, say it.
Chris: Well, I wanna kiss you right now. Yesterday I was just being hard on you because I wanted to see if you was tuff and you really are. You are ready for Hollywood.
I was really speechless, so I just came out and said it...
Me: Chris, I really like you, and I think I am catching feelings.
When I told Chris how I felt he looked relieved and happy at the same time.
Chris: Well, why don't we eat and after we finish eating we go to my house and get to express our feelings.
Me: Okay, that doesn't seem bad at all.
Waiter: Here are your drinks and your menu's....
Chris: I already know what I am going to have. I will take a steak medium rare, with shrimps and mashed potatoes.
Me: Umm, I will have the same but I would like my steak cooked all the way.
Waiter: Okay, your meals will be coming shortly.
Chris: So what do you wanna talk about.
Me: You.... I wanna get to know you better.
Chris: Ightt what do you wanna know.
Me: I wanna know what made you want to take me out to dinner.
Chris: Ightt, tbh I really like you, I liked you since you first walked in yesterday, I just didn't want to show it. I wanted to be professional.
Me: Well, you damn sure was professional. And so mean too. But I liked it low-key.
Chris: Oh you did.... ( he raises an eyebrow and takes a sip of his champagne).
Me: Yeah, I did.
Chris laughs...
Me: What?
Chris: You are tough, cause most girls run crying after a photoshoot, but you, you stayed and you proved me wrong. I love that about you.
Me: Well, I ain't going to be a cry baby, I wanna show you that you don't scare me.
Chris: Well, it worked.
The waitress came with our food, and it looked so delicious, and smelled so wonderful.
Waitress: Here is your food, I hope you guys enjoy. Is there anything else you would like?
Me: Yes, can I have a glass of water.
Chris: Same please, thank you.
Waitress: Okay I will be right back.
Chris: So do you have a good relationship with your family?
Just the thought of that question made me cringe, and have flashbacks.
Me: Umm, no. My family is kinda messed up. I have a bad relationship with my whole family.
Chris: Really, I am sorry. Well I don't have a bad relationship with my mom I just have a bad relationship with my dad, he left when I was 3 and never came back. It was just me and my mom ever since then.
Me: Wow, my dad left out on me too. But he popped up from time to time but only when he needed money for alcohol, drugs, and to pay off his drug dealer. It was sad but eventually I just stopped loving him. And my brother and my mol, I just started focusing on me, I moved to California by myself when I turned 20 and I started a new life.
Waitress: Here are your waters enjoy.
Me: Thanks.
Chris: Well that's crazy. Are you okay?
Me: Yeah, but let's change the subject. How's the up coming tour you are about to do ?
Chris: It's coming along, there's some more work we gotta do, but its getting there, I actually can't wait. I was actually thinking about making you the opening act, but the person that I already have might be mad, cause I might cut them off.
I almost choked on my water when I heard him say tha. What make me the opening act, I showed you that I can sing I never said that I wanted to show the world. And then I will be the first person to perform. Oh no I am not ready for that.
Me: Umm, chris. I ain't ready for that. Plus, you already have someone for your opening act, it wouldn't be fair if you take them off just to make me the opening act. I mean all that work the person put in and.....
Chris: Umm, the person that you might be taking their place is Nicki.
Me: Wait, my friend Nicki, the one that was at the photoshoot yesterday.
Chris: Yes her.
Me: Oh hell, no. Nicki will be so damn pissed that I took her spot, oh no. I definitely don't want it.
Chris: What, why not. Are you scared of her or something ?
Me: Yes, have you ever seen nicki fight or even get mad. She is not someone to mess with. At all...
Chris: Well alright, I mean its your lost. Do you know how many girls will kill to be were you are right now.
Me: Well, I guess I ain't one of them. Cause I don't need your help for anything I got here on my own and I will continue...
Chris: I didnt mean it like that.
Me: Oh Ik what you you mean. Its cool, thanks for the dinner and all but I think I am ready to go.
Chris: Rihanna, no I didn't mean to say that. It just came out.
Me: Yeah, i know. But i think i am just ready to go home.
Chris had the nerve to say that bullshit to me, like he made me famous, i had worked my ass off to get where i am today, and i had no help. I cant keep this away from nicki i have to tell her and now.

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