Nicki's Reason

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Nicki P.O.V
I just cant believe that little bitch Rihanna couldve almost took my spot and chance at being big just like that. All she had to do was sleep with Chris. I worked my ass off day and night trying to get music and the dancers to be perfect and all in one night that couldve all been taking away from me, to go to some girl that has no musical experience, and doesnt even have one song. So, yes i threw a drink at that bitch she better be happy that, thats all I did.
I had to do some horrible things just to get where I am today. So bad that my family cant even look at me the same.
From getting kicked out of my house at 15 and getting pregnant at that same age, to being a stripper, and now a rapper. I will be damned if i let all of my hard work go to waste.
I started rapping when I was 10, and for a 10 year old i was damn good. My mom really didnt allow it, because she is christian, but when she wasnt around or at home i would have my own little rap battles with the kids from the block. I have to tell you kids that grew up in the worst conditions have the best talents, they just get caught up in the hood. And i wasnt that far from it.
Man, but the most terrifying day of my life was when i told my mom that i was pregnant. I remember it like it was yesterday .
16 years ago......
Mom: Onika, where have you been i have been calling you, why havent you picked up your phone.
Me: Sorry, mom. My phone died. And I told you I was staying after school to catch up on some of my classes. That was a lie, i was actually at my boyfriend Aron house, having sex. But i wouldnt dear tell my mom that. Me and Aron have been going out for 3 years now and everything was fine, i mean yeah went to different schools but I trusted him. I am now 2 weeks Pregnant and I still didn't tell my mom. What am i supposed to do.
Me: Mom, I have to tell you something.
Mom: What is Onika. I am in a rush and i have to get to work.
Me: Ummm, mom. I am pregnant.
My mom stops in her tracks, and looks at me her eyes big.
Mom: What did you just say.
Me: I said that i am....
I hit the floor holding my face. Tears started coming up from my eyes.
Mom: I heard what you said, i cannot believe you. You are a disgrace, god will never forgive you for the sin that you just did. I cannot even look at you. Does your father know.
Me: No. He doesnt. I was...
Mom: You better get rid of that baby. I am not playing with you Onika i raised you way better than this, and you are going to come up with the money i am not helping you with this.
Mom: How could you say those things about me. I am your own daughter.
Mom: No, your not. This is not Onika. I dont know who this girl is. I cant even look at you. Ughhh, Onika just leave, leave the house and dont come back.
Thats ecxactly what I did. I wiped my face and left. I couldn't believe that my mom is kicking me out of the house, after all of the things I did for her.
As soon as I left I go to the first person I knew would understand. My best friends at Kayla. Kayla is my ride or die, we have been friends since 1st grade, and ever since then she has been down for me. Kayla only lived two blocks away, she had her own house and a good paying job. Her mom kicked her out two once she found out that she was a stripper. But Kayla didnt care all she wanted was money.
I turn around the corner and i rang the door bell.
Kayla: Who is it?
Me: Its Onika. Open up I have to talk to you.
Kayla opens up the door
Kayla: Hey girl. Wassup, whats wrong.
I walk inside kayla's house .
Me: Well, I am 2 weeks pregnant, and my mom kicked me out of the house.
Kayla: What!!! And congratulations girl. Are you going to keep it.
Me: No, i am not going to keep it my mom told me to get rid of it,and thag she isnt going to help me with the money. So i am coming to you for a place to live and a job, just for a few months.
Kayla: Well, girl this is all crazy but you can stay at my house until you get back on your feet. And i will tell my boss to hire you at the club.
Me: Okay, thanks kayla.
Kayla: You welcome. I have to work tonight so you can come and start tonight.
Me: Okay
I was a little nervous about becoming a stripper,but if i can rap in front of people why cant I dance in front of them. It should be easy right..
Me and kayla take a bus to the strip club. I felt like i wanted to throw up.
Kayla: Now, the rules is dont let the customers touch you, unless they want you to go to the back room, for a little private dance. And dont sleep with the customers either. If the boss found out he will have you fired.
Me: Okay.
Kayla: Are you ready.
Me: Me no, but i want this money so i gotta be.
Kayla: Exactly.
We get off the bus, and i already feel the urge to just leave but i need the money, i am not ready to be a mom or even carry a child. As soon as we walk into the club, kayla takes me to the back, she hands me a gold thong, a gold bra, and some gold heels.
Kayla: Here, these are mines but they are now yours.
Me: Thanks
Kayla: Now, i am going to tell my boss that we have a new girl, he will give you a stripper name and then you will have to go on stage and strip. Thats how it is and thats how it goes.
Me: Okay, i am ready.
Kayla walks to the back of the dressing room and disappears. It took 5 minutes for her to return.
Kayla: Your name is Nicki Minaj. Now go on stage.
Me: Okay.
I liked the name Nicki Minaj. It had a nice ring to it. And that first time i walked on that stage, I was on the role.
I was the highest paid stripper and the best dancer, I made so much money I paid for my abortion and for me to get a nice apartment and a car. But with all that success there comes haters. And the person that was supposed to be my best friend turned on me. She hated that i was getting more money, and she hated that i was getting all of the attention. And because of that we ended up fighting.
Kayla: Well, if it isnt little Miss.I Am Bad Ass. Dont forget who put you in this club. It was because he dumbass got pregnant and her mom kicked her out of the house.
I looked at her with so much hatred, like why would she do that. That was my business. I got so mad and I punched her in the face.
After that we started fighting. I was bashing her head into the lockers. And I was not stopping either. Some of the girls was telling me to let go but i was too mad to stop. The boss came from the back room, and pulled me off of her. When I looked at kayla het whole side of her face was bleeding. She looked bad. But thats what she gets she shouldve kept her damn mouth shut.
Boss: What the hell is going on in here.
Me: That bitch dont know how to keep her damn mouth shut. So she got her ass beat.
Boss: The rules says no fighting. Both of you are fired.
I looked at him in such a surprise. I didnt start it she did. But its whatever I was getting all of the money so hey I am going to let someone else get the paper..
As I walk out of the strip club mad,I feel someone grab my hand . I turn and see Lil Wayne is grabbing my hand.
Wayne: Aye dont you rap, I couldve sworn i seen you before. Isnt your name Onika?
Me: Yeah, but i go by Nicki Minaj now.
Wayne: Well, excuse me Miss. Nicki Minaj. I am Lil Wayne, and I like your music. I want you to work with me.
And after that, i got in the studio with Wayne, and from there I was a well-known rapper. So am i wrong for throwing a drink at Rihanna hell no. Not after all the shit i been through in my life....

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