The Next Morning

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Its 12:00 in the morning.... And i smell bacon, eggs, and waffles. Omg, it smells so good. I turn around and remember the amazing night that i had, i touch the side of the bed that chris was laying in, and smile. I might be in love...
I put on chris's t-shirt and walk down stairs.
Chris: Well, well look who is up. Finally sleeping beauty.
Me: Well, gm to you too early bird. And what is this that you are making.
Chris: I am making breakfast, which is something i barely do. (He laughs).
Me: So, what made you want to make breakfast for me.
Chris: You think this is for you?
I look at chris with a confused and scared look.
Me: Well, yeah. Why would you make all this breakfast for one person?
Chris: Umm, i didnt tell you that i have a big appetite in the morning. But yeah thats why i have a big meal.
Me: Umm, okay. I guess i will just have coffee then.
As I turn around to walk back up the stairs chris starts laughing.
Chris: Babe, come back down stairs , i was just joking. Damn, you are real easy to lie to.
Me: It not funny, I thought you was serious. (I was in my feelings).
Chris: Now, i know you see my body, what do i look like eating all this food. (He laughs).
Me: Well, since it aint all for you give me some.( I smile)
Chris: Well, I would but I didnt get a kiss yet.
Me: Ohhh, you wanna kiss.
Chris: Yess.
I walk over to chris slowly, I wrapped my hands over his shoulders, and gave him a slow kiss on his lips. I can already tell that he couldnt get enough of me. But I liked it.
Me: Now, can i get some breakfat damn it. (I laugh).
Chris: With a kiss like. Shit you can have the whole breakfast. (Laughs)
I laugh. I looked at my phone and i see that Nicki texted me. The text read "When are you coming". I texted her "1:00", i really couldnt wait for the surprise. But for right now i am enjoying Chris's beautiful breakfast.
After me and Chris finished eating, i went upstairs and got ready to take a shower, while Chris cleans up the kitchen. As i step in the shower, the warm water hits my body, it feels so relaxing, i put my face in the water. And i hear the bathroom door open. I look and i see Chris standing there with a towel over is lower part of his body, and a big smile on his face.
Chris: Can i join you in this lovely shower?
Me: Well, you are here already what are you waiting for. (I winked).
As soon as i said that chris dropped his towel and walked into the shower. He put his hand around my waist, and started kissing my neck.
I looked at the clock that is above the shower, it read 12:35. Hmmm, I guess me and Chris and have a little fun in the shower I mean I got time. I turn around and kiss him on the kneck. He lifts me up. And round 2 started.
As soon as me and Chris was done. I got dress. I had put on a black crop top, black pants and white vans. I really just wanted to keep it simple. I didnt even put on make up,and I just left my hair out and tossed it to the side.

Chris: Well, this is a way to look good (he laughs)

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Chris: Well, this is a way to look good (he laughs).
Me: Shut up, i dont feel like getting all dressed up. But i will be back later, will you come and see me later on?
Chris: Nah, you will come and see me later on, i want you to see my house.
Me: Okay, i want to see it anyway. Would i need any clothes.
Chris: Well, you dont have too. (He winks).
Me: Well, i guess when thats what am doing then.
I gave him a kiss, looked at the time it read 12:56.
Me: Here is a pair of extra keys to my house. Can you lock the door before you leave.
Chris: Yeah, Baby i got you. Love you.
I turned around and smiled at him..
Me: I love you too.
I then turned around and opened the front door. And out of nowhere a flash of paparazzi, starts taking pictures of me and asking me types of questions. Well thanks for privacy.
Paparazzi: Is that chris in your house?
Who are you?
What do you do for a living?
Are you his new girlfriend, you know he has a bad reputation with women?
Well the crazy part is that i didnt know he didnt he had a reputation with the women, and i dont know how they even found where he was. I hurry up to my car and i get out my phone and text Chris.
Me: Be careful paparazzi is outside...
Chris: I see baby, are you okay..
Me: Yess, i am about to leave the driveway.
Chris: Okay baby. Ttyl. <3
Me: <3
I put my phone inside of my cup holder and i pulled out of my driveway. Man, i sleep with chris brown and all of these things happen. Wow... I just hope that i am happy.
Chris P.O.V
Man, i am in love with rihanna shes everything i could ask for. And i know that she is the one.
Bink Bink...
I look at my phone and i get a message from rihanna.
RiRi: Be careful paparazzi is outside...
Me: I see baby, are you okay..
RiRi: Yess, i am about to leave the driveway.
Me: Okay baby. Ttyl. <3
RiRi: <3
What the hell, how did paparazzi find me. Ughh, man sometimes i hate that i am a celebrity. I have no privacy no more. And they make up lies. Shit, i wonder what they are going to put in the magazines this week. I get the key that rihannna gave me and head out of the door.
As soon as i walk out all of the flashes start happening.
Paparazzi: Chris, who is the hot lady that came out of the house?
Are you guys going out?
Does she know about your past?
Now that comment pissed me off.
Me: Yo shut the hell up, you guys dont know anything about me. And you leave Rihanna alone...
Paparazzi: So thats her name... Him she has a beautiful name.
Me: Man, just leave bruh forreal.
I hurry up in my car, before i swing on someone. I am trying to move away from my past....

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