Chapter 6

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today is the day I leave to my dad's house . this whole week has been pretty boring . I've talked to Jack J a lot though but it's still kinda weird around him && I actually started talking to Abbie too . I guess her && Matt was just a one time thing cause they were both drunk . they don't like each other && regret what they did . right now me and Ryder are finishing packing our stuff , making sure we aren't leaving anything . "ugh I'm done I've been through everything && I'm not missing anything ." I sighed && sat on my bed . Ryder got up and sat down next to me "me too " "what time is it ?" I asked sighing . "it's 2:30"  ms T was supposed to come pick us up at 3 pm . I sigh again "I don't want to go I really liked it here ." Ryder took my hand . "it's gonna be okay as long as we're together ." he said . I smile && lightly squeeze his hand . "your right as long as we're together well be fine ." I said but on the inside I still really didn't want to go . I just couldn't let Ryder know  . I needed to stay positive for him . "let's go watch tv" I suggested . "okay cool" we both got up && walked to the living room . I put my legs on Ryder's && laid down . he put the recliner up on the couch . We looked through the channels && started watching Criminals Minds . after a while the doorbell rang . me and Ryder went to get our stuff while Rebecca went to get the door . Rebecca's kids came to say bye . I hugged her daughter . "aw I'm gonna miss you cutie " I said "im gonna miss you to Aves , can you come visit me soon ?" she asked . "I'll try sweetie but it's gonna be hard . "I don't want you to go " she hugged me again . "I know I don't either ." I whispered after we said bye to everyone && got our stuff . I looked back one more time at the house that i called home for a while . I know I'm not supposed to get attached to a home but I did to this one . I walked to the car and sat in shot gun . "how far does he live ?" Ryder asked . "not far were going to be there in 10 minutes ." Ms T answered . "do you know if he was a big house ?" He asked getting excited . "yes the house is pretty big . " "cool" Ryder said smiling . "I'm happy me and Avery  get to stay together again . "Ryder said I smiled a little . "me too Ryde " I said and smiled back at him . we finally go to the house && Ms T was right the house was huge . we walk to the door && Ms T knocks . I was so scared I'm pretty sure I was shaking really bad . the door opens && I saw my dad , Aaron . he smiled "hi Ryder , Avery " he said . "hi" Ryder smiled but I just rolled my eyes . "come on in ." He said "here let me help " he reached to help me with my bags but I moved "I'm fine" I mutter as I walk past him .  "so you two can go upstairs there are a few rooms you can pick from , my son is at a friends house right now so you will meet him later . " he said . I stopped walking and turned to face him . "you have a son ?" I asked . "yes he's 8 " he replied . I nodded and turned back around && walked up the stairs , Ryder followed me . Aaron && Ms T were prob gonna talk , she normally does with everyone that we go to . "wow his house is big !" Ryder said looking around . I nodded "yes it is " I walked into a room . It was huge . It had a queen size bed , a couch , a desk , a walk in closet , a pretty decent size bathroom , a big tv across the couch , and some really nice Windows . "wow" I said . Ryder went to a room across from the one i was in . I put my stuff down && sat on the bed . the bed was huge && I had so much space . I grabbed my phone && facetimed Shawn . he answered "yo what's up ?" he said . "I'm at my dads place " I said "OMG for reals ? Is it big ?" He asked I nodded "huge" I flipped the camera && showed him . "dang that's huge " he said && I laughed "I know ... can you come over right now ?" I asked . "Is that a good idea with you just getting there ?" he asked . I sighed . "ugh probably not" "look I'll try to come tomorrow but for now just try to get along with Aaron yea for me ?" "....fine" i said "okay good . hey I got to go but I'll text you love you " he said "love you " he hung up . I laid down in my bed && went on my phone . after like 20 minutes of being on my phone I heard footsteps than someone knocked on my door . "yea?" I said . "can I come in ?" I heard Aaron's voice on the other side of the door . I signed && sat up "okay" he opened the door . "I was wondering if you were hungry && wanted to go get something ?" he said . "no I'm fine ." I replied . "you sure ?" he asked "I can get you anything you like ." " I'm sure Aaron" I rolled my eyes . "okay just wanted to ask . " he said . "....and its really nice to see you again Aves . "he said quietly . "don't call me that" I said . I was pretty mad like he can't just come back into my life after years && than try to call me Aves like what the heck . "oh sorry " he said than after a minute he walked out . "I rolled my eyes "I really can't do this " I said to myself . I got up && started to unpack . I didn't really have much clothes . I mean I had a lot of Shawn Mendes merch (cause he gives me everything he comes out with) && a few other band clothing but other than that I had maybe about like 5 shirts , not including the ones I stole from Shawn or my friend Connor from school , I had 3 pairs of pants && 2 T-shirt dresses . I also had 4 pairs of shoes && sometimes I would wear Ryder's . I can't wear Shawn's cause his foot is to big for mines . Ryder walked in . "how do you like your room ?" he asked sitting in my bed . "it's huge"
I smiled "I know my rooms big too ." I smiled "that's good" "I know I'm happy ! " Ryder said  "wanna help me decorate ?" I asked . "sure !" he said and got up . I went on my phone && went to Spotify. I pushed shuffle on my songs than turned the volume up . I went to my bag where it had everything that was decorated in my old room . I picked up my wall tapestry . "help me put this on the ceiling ." I said && me and him stood on my bed && I hammered it in the ceiling with some tacks . Shawn's song stitches came on "I remember when he came out with this he didn't let me listen to it until it came out" I laughed . "really ? he let me listen to it before" Ryder smirked . "what the heck that's not fair!" I said . "oh whale I guess he likes me more." Ryde said . "so not true man. " I laughed . Ryder smiled "it's just cause he doesn't like you" "oh shut up he loves me" I said "okay whatever helps you sleep at night ." He laughed && I rolled my eyes . "your just jealous " I said && he laughed again ."okay sure ." I got off my bed && got some brown string from my bag && walked to the desk . "can you get my Polaroids ?" I asked Ryder as I started to hang the stings on tacks above the desk . the desk was next to my bed . "for sure" he got them than got the clothes pins too . "thanks kid" I said && we started to hang them on the string . after we sat on my bed . "ugh we need to put my lights up" I said . "ughhhhh" Ryder groaned . "you don't have to help " I laughed . "good" he smiled . "I'm hungry imma asks Aaron If I can eat " Ryder said "okay" I said and smiled at him . he got up "be back soon" "okay Ryde ." I got up && took my record player out of its case && put it on my desk . I got my records && put it beside the player . I decided to put my Sam smith record on && I turned of the music playing on my phone . I walked to the wall by my bed && decided to put my posters on the wall . I went to my bag && got all my posters . I mainly had all Shawn Mendes but I did have one of Jack & Jack , two of Justin Bieber , 3 one direction , 2 TØP , one Melanie Martinez && a few other ones . I got in my bed && started hanging them up . 15 minutes later I was done . I decided I was gonna shower . 30 minutes later I was out . I put my hair in two French braids than put on one of Shawn's t-shirts . I went on my phone && saw I had a text from Shawn .
Shawnyboy 😛: yo
me : heyyy loser
Shawnyboy 😛: how is it so far ?
me : just finished decorating my room I just need the lights && some plants .
Shawnyboy 😛: wanna hang ?
me : sure let me get ready first here's my address *types address*
Shawnyboy 😛: kk cool be there in a few 😏
I got up && put in some shorts than some mascara && my adidas superstars that Shawn bought me for my birthday . I got my phone && walked down stairs . I saw Aaron && my brother talking . "can my friend come over ?" I asked . "um sure I guess" Aaron said . I nodded than I walked towards the door . I walked outside && sat on the grass . so far I felt really awkward . it was 6:30 right now . I've been here for like 3 & 1/2 hours && I already want to leave . I hate Aaron . I want to go back to Rebecca's . at least I get to finish this school year with Shawn . A few minutes later Shawns car pulled up . I noticed another guy was in the car too . I got up && they both got out of the car . I saw that it was Jack J . I smiled "heyy" I said "hey Aves " Shawn said and hugged me "hi Avery " Jack smiled && I hugged him . he hugged back && oh my gosh his hugs are the best . "dang your house looks huge " JJ said I smiled "yea it's the biggest house I've lived in && the biggest room I've had to myself . " I said . "you gonna let us in ?" Shawn laughed "boii you need to chill " I laughed . "I'm just kidding " Shawn said && I rolled my eyes laughing . "sure you were " I opened the door && we walked in . Aaron got up && walked to us . "hi I'm Avery's dad Aaron" he held out his hand to Shawn "I'm Shawn" he shook his hand than Aaron went to Shake Jack's hand "I'm Jack " "nice to meet you two . Is there anything I can get you guys , water or something ?" he asked . "oh no thank you sir " Shawn said . "okay well let me know if you need anything ." Aaron said and walked back to Ryder . Ryder waved && Shawn waved back . "who's that kid ?" Jack J asked . "oh yea I forgot you never met him . that's my little brother Ryder . " I said . "oh okay cool ." J said . I smiled "yea . come on I wanna show you guys my room . " I said && they followed me upstairs . we walked in my room && I closed the door "what the crap you finished already ?" Shawn asked . "well I told you I just need my lights but yea I guess I'm done " "looks dope " J said . "thanks " I smiled . just than I got a text . I looked at it && it was from Blake .

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