Chapter 3

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"Avery wake up" Ryder shook me . "noo" I mumbled into my pillow . "get up lazy." Ryder shook me again. "just five more minutes" I groaned and rolled to the other side of the bed. "Shawn's here" I sighed "he can wait" I whispered . Shawn walked in the room. "get up sleeping beauty ." he said as he jumped on the bed next to me I pushed him off . "fine " I slowly got up && he laughed and got up off the floor .  I walked to my bathroom . I brushed my teeth && hair than washed my face . I walked back to my room . "I'm gonna get dressed so you guys should get out" I said . Shawn laughed . "okay" they both walked out . I hurried && put on my red Cameron Dallas hoodie && black running shorts . "you guys can come back in " I yelled . I laid on my bed && went on my phone . I was scrolling through Instagram && I saw that Jack Johnson had requested to follow me . I smiled && accepted it . Shawn came back in . "what do you want to do ?" he asked . I got off my phone && sat up . "um we could watch movies all day I kinda want to distract myself from want happened yesterday" he sighed "yeah me too ."  I got out of bed come on lets go get the movies we want to watch && some snacks " I smiled && helped him up . we walked to the living room && we started picking out movies . we mainly chose Disney movies , they were out favorite movies to watch . "cmon lets go get some snacks " we got up && put the movies in my room than walked to the kitchen . we looked around "we have nothing omg " Shawn laughed " lets go to the store we can by whatever we want ." "okay cool , I'm gonna go put in some shoes brb " I walked to my room && but in red vans . I grabbed my phone && saw a text from Jack

Jack J ✨ : hey I was wondering if you wanted to hang out today

Avery : um me && Shawn were gonna have a movie day today you can join us if you want

Jack J ✨ : sure (:

Avery: okay cool (: my address is *types address* . me && Shawn are gonna go to the store right now so wanna come at 2:30 ?

Jack J✨ : yea see you soon

I smiled && walked back to Shawn . "ready ?" "yes sir" we laughed && he got up from the couch . Ryder walked in the living room . "hey imma go to Lily's house I'll see you later" he said && hugged me . "wait does Rebecca know ?" I asked "of course I just called her she said I can go" "okay cool tell her && Blake i said hi " he walked out of the house . Lily was Ryder's best friend . they've been best friends since like forever . Blake is her older brother , we're the same age . me and him have been dating for 3 years . "you ready ?" Shawn asked . "yea lets go" we both started walking out the door . "oh by the way Jack J asked if he can come over" I said as we got in the car . "aw man I'm gonna be the third wheel " Shawn joked . I rolled my eyes "shut up I'm dating Blake " he laughed && I smiled . we got the the ninety nine cents store && got out . "okay so what should we get ?" Shawn asked . "let's get hot Cheetos !" I said he smiled , those are our favorite chips . "dude yass !" he said && we got some . A few minutes later we walked out of the store with a lot of bags with a lot of snacks . "I'm prob gonna get sick with all of this " I laughed . "haha same man!" we got in the car && I turned on the radio , Me Myself and I by G-Eazy was playing . we both laughed and started singing . this was one of our favorites . we got to the house && I texted Jack that he could come over right now . we put on the little mermaid (A/N I love that movie lol) . a few minutes into the movie someone knocked on the door . "that's Jack !" I said && jumped up and ran to the door. I opened it . "hey !" I smiled . "hey Avery!" he smiled to && hugged me I hugged back than stepped out the the way so he could come inside . "sup !" Shawn said from the couch . "hey " Jack said . "um were watching the Little Mermaid haha right now you can pick the next movie if you want " I said "Okay cool " I walked back to the couch && sat down . Jack sat down next to me && I started eating candy . "you can get anything you want " I said && pointed to the pile of food on the coffe table in front of my couch . "okay cool " he started eating popcorn . during the movie me && Shawn sang all the songs && Jack just laughed and recorded us . "I love this movie so much" I said as it ended . Shawn agreed and Jack just laughed . "what you don't like this movie ?" I said with a serious face . "well I mean I don't really watch Disney movies " Jack smiled . I was trying to keep a straight face but was failing "omg are you serious ! what is your life ??" I asked . "better than yours " Johnson jokes than got up && picked me up off the couch && spun me around . "omg put me down" I laughed "never!" he kept spinning me . Shawn was laughing . "Jackkkk" I yelled && he finally put me down "what ?" he smiled . I picked up some popcorn && threw it at him. "so that's how it's gonna be huh ?" he laughed && got some skittles . "OMG no Jack don't throw them at me !" he threw them at me && I tried to avoid getting hit "I hate you "I smiled and hit more food . pretty soon it became a full in food fight between me && Jack . shawn was recording the whole thing . I finally say on the couch laughing so hard I couldn't breathe . Jack laid down too && put his head on my lap dying of laughter "oh god that was fun" I said when I caught my breath" Jack smiled && say up "that was .. wait you got more popcorn in your hair" he reached up to get the popcorn out of my hair . as soon as his hand touched my hair the front door opened . "hey babe where you at ... AVERY WHAT ARE YOU DOING ?!?" my boyfriend Blake walked in the room . Jack's hand shot down && we all looked over . "babe it's not what it looks like " i said as I got up . I was trying to calm him down . when Blake for mad he could turn pretty scary . Jack got up . "hey man look it's not what you think" he said "shut up no one was talking to you !" Blake yelled at Jack . "Blake don't yell at him he didn't do anything !" I said trying to explain "he was just..." Blake interrupted me "no don't even try to explain I'm out of here " Blake stormed out of the house. I sighed && sat down , Shawn stood there with his mouth && eyes wide open . he had never seen Blake mad . I  like Blake I really do but I'm scared of him . he had hit me once before && threatened to hurt me more when he was mad . I had never told anyone that before . Jack slowly came back to reality . "I'm so sorry Avery I didn't mean to get you in trouble with your boyfriend ... I think I should just leave " he had his head down . "no it's cool Jack he'll get over it" I said but really I was scared about what Blake was going to do . "you sure ?" Jack asked . "yea man your good..." "okay cool" I smiled "I'll be right back" I said && walked away to my room . I grabbed my phone && texted Blake ,
Avery: hey babe look nothing was happening between me && Jack I swear
I sent it && sat in my bed . Shawn walked in my room . "you okay ?" he asked . "no not really , I'm scared I know Blake was really mad && i don't know what he's gonna go . " I sighed . Shawn sat on my bed next to me . "it's gonna be okay your gonna explain to him what happened && he's gonna get over it " Shawn said trying to make me feel better . "but you don't know Blake , when he's mad he doesn't listen" "well maybe he'll listen time I'll explain that nothing is going on " "but Jack was flirting with me && Blake knows it " I sigh again "i know"  "just try to convince him that he wasn't , I'll tell him he wasn't too" Shawn said "okay... I'll try" I replied . "come on let's go back to Jack" Shawn said && got up . "okay ." I got up && checked my phone , still no reply . oh lord he's gonna kill me ... I thought . "hey I'm gonna go pick Ryder up " I said when we got to the living room . "oh okay I guess i should go too me and Gilinsky are gonna hangout." Jack said . "okay cool , hey Jack I had fun today thanks for coming over ... && don't worry about Blake I'll take care of it ." I smiled . he smiled to "I had fun too && okay" he hugged me and than Shawn && him did some handshake they had.  Jack got his stuff and left . "can you give me a ride to Blake's house so o can pick Ryder up ?" I asked Shawn when Jack left . "yea sure" he got his keys && we both walked out to the car . maybe I can try to convince Blake that Jack wasn't flirting with me ... I thought to myself but my mind kept going back to what happened . i really like Jack like he's sweet and funny and cute  ... wait no I'm supposed to like Blake he's my boyfriend not Jack ... ugh I don't know besides I don't know if  Jack likes me .. maybe he was just having fun and he thinks of me as a friend ... I don't know ...  hopefully I can fix this with Blake , I thought .

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