Chapter 4

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we got to Blake's house && we got out . "I'm so scared what if he doesn't believe me" I sighed . I was really freaking out . "it's okay he is gonna believe you I know it" he gave me a reassuring smile . "okay" I said && knocked on the front door . Lily opened the door "oh hi Avery !" she smiled . I smiled to "hey" "are you gonna pick Ryder up ?" "yea ... Is your brother home ?" I asked hoping he was. "no he hasn't came back I thought he was going to your house " lily said "oh okay thanks " "I'm gonna get Ryder you can come in " she said && walked away . me and Shawn walked inside "where is he ?" I asked whispered to myself but Shawn answered . "I dont know but maybe you should give him some time and tell him later" he said . "yea maybe" I said Ryder && Lily came "hey what's up ?" Ryder asked . he knew I wouldn't pick him up from Lily's unless something was wrong . "nothing I just wanted to hang out with you && Rebecca texted me she's gonna be back in an hour " I said "okay" he turned to lily "bye I'll see you tomorrow" "okay bye guys !" Ryder && her hugged && than we walked outside. "what happened ?" Ryder said as we got in the car . "well Jack came over && he was flirting with me than Blake walked in && got mad " I said quietly . "dang..." "yea" I replied . We got to our house && we got out . they're was Rebecca's car in the drive way. "cmon hurry Rebecca's home" I said && we ran to the front door && walked in . "hey sorry we're a little late" I said when Rebecca walked to the front when we walked in . "it's fine I need you to watch the kids though right now " I nodded my head "okay" "thanks I'll be back in a few hours" she said and walked out the door . "ughhh I don't want to watch them" I yawned . "I'll help don't worry" Shawn said and we walked to the living room where the kids were sitting on the couch playing . Rebecca has 2 kids a boy and a girl . they're twins and they are 6 years old . "hey are you guys hungry ?" I asked . "yea!" they said at the same time . "okay I'm gonna make you guys Mac && Cheese okay ?" "okay!" they said and kept playing . me and Shawn walked to the kitchen && Ryder went to our room. "help me yea ?" I asked Shawn . "ugh I guess" he rolled his eyes . I laughed "thanks" we both started grabbing the things we needed when the door bell rang . "I'll get it" I said && walked to the front door . I opened it && Blake was there  . "um hey" I said . "Avery I need talk to you ." He said . "okay um do you want to come inside ?" I said . I kinda hoped he said yes so incase he tried to do anything Shawn could help me . "no come outside " he said . I sighed && walked out closing the door behind me . "look about earlier ... " I started . "I can't believe you would cheat on me Ave ." he said , he had tears in his eyes . "no look we weren't doing anything I just..." he interrupted me again "no I don't want to listen to your crap Avery ! I saw you earlier !" he yelled , his sadness turned to anger . I jumped a little "no please just let me explain !" I said . "no Avery ! all you ever do is lie && I'm done with you !" he yelled in my face . "okay well if your done with me than why don't you just leave me !" I yelled tears threatening to fall from my eyes . "don't you dare yell at me !" he said && pushed me hard . I lost my balance && fell back . "Blake stop your scaring me ." I said , my voice was shaking . I slowly crawled back from him . Blake grabbed me && dragged me up from the ground harshly . he threw me against the wall . "Blake please stop ..." I said . I was really scared . "shut up !" he yelled && slapped me . I cried out in pain grabbing my check . "Shawn !!" I yelled hoping he could hear me . "Avery I said shut up !!" Blake hit me again . I tried to shield myself but was to late . just than the front door opened . "oh my god ! what the heck ! Blake what are you doing !" Shawn yelled . "stay out of this Shawn " Blake yelled at him . he was pulling on my hair . I tried to get his hand away but I couldn't . "please stop" I whispered , crying . "no leave her alone !" Shawn moved towards Blake && Blake let go of me && shoved me away from him . Shawn moved between me && Blake . "leave right now " Shawn said . Blake tried to hit Shawn but missed . Shawn pushed Blake && than punched him in the face . "get away from her !" Shawn yelled . Blake tried to hit Shawn again but he dodged it && hit Blake again , hard .  "I swear if you don't leave right now I'm gonna kill you " Shawn said . Blake looked at me than back at Shawn  && walked to his car . Shawn turned to me "oh my god are you okay Avery ??" he asked . I was crying "thanks Shawn " I whispered . he pulled me into a big hug . "I'm so sorry Aves " he kept whispering to me . A few minutes later I stopped crying && calmed down a little. "cmon we have to go inside ." I said quietly . "okay ." Shawn held my hand && we walked inside . "do you need anything ?" he asked me . "No I'm okay thanks " I said . "let me know if you do ." I nodded && walked to my room . Ryder was asleep so I quietly walked to the bathroom . my nose was bleeding && my body hurt from falling && being slammed against the wall . I sighed && cleaned my nose up . Blake really scared me right now . I couldn't stop shaking . I can't believe that happened . what if he comes back for me ? when I was done cleaning myself I walked back to the kitchen . Shawn had finished making the Mac && cheese . he looked up at me from the table && walked over to me . "how are you feeling ?" he asked . "I'm still scared . what if he comes back ?" I said . "he won't if her ever hurts you again or tries to I swear I'm gonna kill him ." Shawn said . I smiled a little "thanks Shawny ." he wrapped his arms around me && I hugged him back . "I'll never let him hurt you again . " he whispered to me . I felt a little bit safer because I knew Shawn would never let Blake near me .

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