Aaron Imagine

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You knew this day would come: The public had found out you were dating Aaron. You don't even know how, but one day while you were shopping you found it headlining the front cover of a magazine. You ran home with it to show Aaron, when you remembered he'd be gone till tomorrow. You kept yourself calm but waited to tell person.

Sadly, word spread fast and next thing you knew, your mailbox was filled with hate letters to you. Each one was from "fans" who were mad that you were dating him. It was already 4 months and word had to get out sooner or later. Each letter was rude and hateful. "wow, he chose you?"

"You don't deserve him."

"I bet I love him more"

"you are not even pretty enough for him"

That last one hurt. It was was 11am and Aaron wouldn't be home til 2 so you spent all that time crying over all the letters.

Soon enough, Aaron was home. He saw you at the table with letters around you and rushed over.

He held you in his arms around you as you cried.

"What's wrong?"

"These! These letters! Everyone's hating me because I'm dating you! And they found out because of this stupid magazine!" You yell out and cry more.

"Oh my god. I'm so sorry. How could someone find out?"

"I don't know but it's was bound to happen." You start to lighten up you tears as you keep talking.

"Gah! It's all my fault."

He says to you as he stands up and smacks the letters onto the floor. "I'll fix this."

"They are just fans! They didn't mean any harm"

"Yeah but they did hurt you. And you mean everything to me. So they hurt you they hurt me. Don't worry, I'll fix this. Tomorrow I have an interview and I'll announce it on there."

You kiss him "Thanks"


Not one of my favorites, but I do like this one

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