Aaron Imagine

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One day you are in Dunken Doughnuts getting a hot chocolate

(A/N I love the Hot chocolate from DD)

As you are walking out someone hits into you. You spill the drink all over you. "Oh My Ahh!" You scream lightly. "Oh my god I am so sorry." The person says. He runs and gets you napkins. He runs back and gives you them. "Are you ok?" He asks very concerned. "I'll be ok. Just a hot" you reply trying not to make him feel bad. "I'm still very sorry. Can I buy you a new Hot Chocolate? And do you need new clothes?" He asks nervously concerned. "It's ok. I have spare clothes in my car." You reply with a slight smile "thank you though, uh..." You trail off not know ING his name. "Aaron" he says extending his hand. You shake his hand "I'm (Y/n)"

Aaron Tveit ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now