Aaron Imagine

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Quick two note

1) Sorry I haven't posted in a while

2) The next 2-3 posts will be Christmas/Holiday related (Sorry to anyone who doesn't celebrate. I'll be back to regular ones after Christmas)


It's Christmas time, and your mom EVERY YEAR force's you to go to take a picture with "Santa" with your your younger sister (who is 14 now). As much as you hate it, because it's humiliating, you still do it to make your parents happy.

Usually it isn't so bad because your boyfriend, Aaron, is there with you. But, this year he was away celebrating the holiday with his family. Which made matters worse, knowing he wouldn't be there for Christmas.

You finally take your picture and the Santa asks the classic "what do you want for Christmas?" Your little sister obnoxiously yells out "the new iPhone 5s duh! Every year I ask for the new iPhone and NEVER GET ONE! I'm almost 15 and I have a sucky flip phone. A FLIP PHONE!!" As quickly as you can you kick her in the shin. "Shut up" you say clenching your teeth. Then he asks you, and knowing no matter who you tell, Aaron wasn't gonna be back for Christmas. But, just to make you feel better you tell him, "my boyfriend, Aaron, would be home for Christmas". You see him smiling (which freaks you out a little). Next thing you know someone was tapping on your shoulder.


Before even a word is said you stand up and kiss him.

"Will you stop I'm going to puke!" Your sister yells out.

"Oh shut up" you, Aaron, and even Santa yell out in unison.

Aaron Tveit ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now