The Angels secret weapon

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Chapter one:

At half two in the morning it was late and freezing cold but still the shadow that lurked in the doorway of the motel room refused to shift. Icy winds howled through the trees while a bright full moon shone down partially illuminating the mans face. Sculpted cheekbones and a manly face he was handsome but the frown on his features didn’t suit him. Clouds of breathe formed as he sighed deeply into the chilly night. Looked like it was going to be a sleepless one again. Ever since his brother had chosen “the dark side” he had hardly slept, couldn’t remember the last time he’d had a shower and his usual diet of cheeseburgers and grease had disappeared. Even his beloved 1967 Impala rarely gave him any joy nowadays. A twig snapped to his left but the man didn’t flinch he knew who it was before they spoke, it was always the same.

“Dean..” Cass stepped next to Dean and sighed noticing the bags under his eyes. It gave him great displeasure to watch his friends spark die and he couldn’t do a thing to help. “Dean please just go inside, its freezing out here and you don’t have a coat.” Dean looked down as if noticing his clothes for the first time, with old jeans and a cotton shirt on it hardly kept out the nights damp chill, but to be honest he hadn’t noticed until now. Looking at the man standing next to him with annoyance Dean snapped at him harshly “what are you my mother? I’ll stand here for as long as I damn well please. If I freeze to death then that’s my choice, mine!! Now quit bugging me and get the hell outta here” Cass stepped closer and sighed “No” and before Dean could react Cass reached out and touched Deans forehead with two fingers. Deans world span and span until whoosh he was inside the motel room in the warmth, damn Cass had zapped him again. Grumbling with annoyance Dean grabbed a beer from the mini fridge and twisted open the top. Knowing Cass was seated on the second bed he collapsed onto the first and huffed in defeat. “what now?” standing Cass walked to the window and peered out to make sure no-one was around before sliding the curtains shut and tiptoeing to Deans bed where he sat on the edge of it gently. Dean narrowed his eyes at his friends antics “your not gonna try any I love you chick flick moments are you, cause this is making me uneasy?” smiling Cass loved how although Dean was depressed his humour stayed the same. “no that would be slightly strange, I have important news to tell you.” laughing harshly Dean stood suddenly and began to pace the length of the room. “what part of im not a hunter anymore and I don’t care didn’t you get Cass.” “you’ll want to know this Dean its about Sam” Dean snorted sarcastically “isn’t it always, I still don’t care. Sammy is gone Cass. Like you said I have to deal with that as best I could right and believe me I am trying. But you coming here telling me this crap isn’t helping man” Cass stood pinching the bridge of his nose with his fingers he exhaled loudly in annoyance. “its different this time” laughing Dean continued to pace “how? Has he started killing bunnies and chickens instead of people, he’s the fricking devil Cass, nothings different” “I found a way to get Sam back” Dean halted in his pacing and faced his friend, a look of disbelief and hope on his face. “what?” Cass continued “there’s a girl, with powers that can help draw Satan out of Sam and back into his cage. All we have to do is convince her to help us and you can have Sam back. Human and well again.

Dean grabbed Cass’s shoulders and shook him. “where Cass? Where’s this chick?”

Cass gasped at the rough shaking of his head “London, England” with that Dean grabbed his bag, gun and his dads journal and headed to the door. “guess we got a flight to catch then.

Meanwhile in a small coffee shop in London.

“what can I get for you today sir?” smiling on the outside Connie grimaced on the inside at the way her customer looked her up and down lingering his eyes at her chest. God she wished she could just lamp him one, but that would be bad customer service. Coughing slightly to make him raise his eyes to her face she looked at him pointedly. “oh sorry love, erm can I have a mocha and a slice of cheesecake please” writing it down Connie smiled “anything else?” the sleazy gentleman leant forward and looked at her legs before answering “how much is it to get your number? You’re a fine looking young lady and I wouldn’t mind seeing you again” bristling with disgust Connie resisted throwing her notebook at his forehead and smiled at him sweetly “it would cost more than you could ever afford, thank you for the compliment and …if you keep persisting to stare at my body like im a piece of meat im gonna make sure you never see anything again let alone me” the gentleman sputtered and turned a lovely shade of crimson. “well sir I shall just go get your drinks for you now, wont be too long for you”

Waltzing off Connie laughed to herself god she could be evil sometimes ha-ha. But he did deserve it. Leaning against the serving counter Connie studied the shop. Small and pretty with brown and cream furniture and fixtures it was warm and cosy. Her safe haven from the world outside. A haven from the world she had left behind four years ago. The bell above the door tinkled as another customer walked in, Connie surveyed him as he walked. Tall, brown hair and facial features of a model he stood out amongst the normal crowd, with jeans and a leather jacket on he hardly looked special but if you knew what you were looking for you could see the signs. For one he walked too quietly and stealthily, his eyes darted around taking in everything while his hands flexed near his jacket pocket as though waiting to draw a weapon ready for attack. that’s right he was a hunter alright. Connie could basically smell it on him from where she was. Sighing she grabbed Mr pervy’s drinks and made her way back to his table. Laying down his saucer and plate she asked him once more “anything else” not even daring to look up for fear of her wrath he shook his head and went back to reading his newspaper.

Cautiously Connie made her way to the newcomers table with her pad in hand. Hopefully he was just here for some tea. Pausing at the edge of his table she mentally sighed. Well here goes nothing. “hello, welcome to martins coffee shop what can I get for you today sir?” Dean looked up, into the prettiest blue eyes he had ever seen framed by light brown hair that fell just below her ears. Perfectly kissable lips and a stubborn set to her chin she was just his type. Thank you Cass. “yeah erm what’s good to eat here? Got any burgers” Connie raised an eyebrow at him and smirked “this is a coffee shop..c.o.f.f.e.e. we don’t sell burgers im afraid just cakes and biscuits. Dean smiled at her and she had to resist the urge to poke her tongue out at him. “okay I will have a tea and some biscuits please” he said it in a fake English accent so terrible it made them both cringe. “okay I will go get those for you sir” slinking off she could feel his eyes following her. At the desk she called over her colleague and smiled. “Josh im gonna take my break now could you cover my table for me please baby cakes?” Josh grunted at her and scowled “what’s in it for me” at six foot tall with wide shoulders and manly features he could be intimidating, that is until you knew him for longer than five minutes. Connie giggled and pointed at Dean, “that’s my newest customer I thought you might wanna help me out?” Josh glanced over and did a double take “ooooh girl you know me so well, of course I will help you out, go on shoo you go do what you gotta do and I will do the same” yep that’s right Josh was gay, and very open about it. Right now he was sauntering over to the table hips swaying and lips pouted, looking like a tiger about to strike.

Connie slipped out the back way and headed to her car, she was gonna sneak home. They wouldn’t miss her. The perks of being best friends with the boss. Groping in her bag for her keys she paused hearing silent footsteps behind her. Whirling she threw her fist out only for it to be caught by Dean, grabbing her arm he pushed her against her car door and pinned her there. “now that’s not very nice is it?” Connie rolled her eyes at him “you’re a hunter I wasn’t expecting small talk and a hug” Dean frowned “you know im a hunter” smirking Connie pushed against him but with no luck. “yep, as soon as you walked in. you act too much like a predator. Now what the hell do you want?” a man stepped out from behind Dean “ we need to talk” then her world went blank....

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