old friends

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Chapter seven

It had been two weeks, two weeks since Connie had been taken and so far they had only managed to find two hunters. A man from Texas called Sean and an older woman called Sara. Sean fancied himself as the leader and butted heads with Dean a lot. Sara was more reserved and mainly kept herself to herself. Except when Bobby and her had their conversations about their past hunts. Dean suspected that she had a soft spot for the rugged hunter. Well they were about the same age.

Cas had kept his word and came and went a few times but he refused to share his plans with them. When they asked he said it would all be revealed in due time and we should all be patient. Anyone who knew Dean also knew he didn’t have a lot of patience. Which was why he was standing outside Bobby’s house in the freezing cold at three o’clock in the morning. “Cas I know you can hear me you son of a bitch, just get your ass down here right now and tell me what’s going on Castiel I cant wait much longer” there was a soft whoosh and Cas stood facing Dean in the dark. “Hello Dean” “yeah yeah hey, first tell me what your plan is all this waiting is killing me” Dean faced his friend and stood rooted to the spot in shock. Cas wasn’t alone. But what Dean was seeing wasn’t possible, a man stood next to Cas. A certain man that Deans eyes had craved to see for the past few years but he should be dead. Dean felt slightly sick. His father was supposed to be dead. John Winchester watched conflicting emotions fly across his sons face, pain, anger, joy and confusion. Cas softly spoke to Dean. “he is alive Dean, I told you I had a plan. Well they are a part of it but I couldn’t tell you until now. I had orders not to.” Dean shook his head “they?” “hey Dean” Dean swung around to face another familiar yet ‘supposed to be dead’ face. Blonde hair flowed in the wind and soft brown eyes twinkled at him. “Jo?” whispered Dean “hey what about me?” Ellen stepped next to her daughter and laughed “boy you look like you’ve seen a ghost” John approached his son and pulled him in to a tight hug, Ellen and Jo joined him and they all embraced while laughing. Ellen even shed a few tears. Cas silently watched the reunion his face blank, until Dean moved abit closer to his friend. “how Cas? God wouldn’t let you bring anyone back isn’t that against his big rule or something.” Cas smiled but it didn’t reach his eyes, he couldn’t smile properly until he had his Connie back. “God knew that under the circumstances you would need all the help that you could get” “so after all this, what they all go back?” Sadness laced Deans words. “no Dean, if you succeed they can stay if they wish to” standing there surrounded by not only the family he had lost but also the best hunters he knew Dean smiled and knew, he knew that they were going to win. “everyone inside” As soon as everyone was settled and Bobby had drunk enough whisky to get over his shock Cas spoke. “from here on out its going to be very tough, Every demon is going to be out to get you more so than before. And I have heard they ordered that they are to kill on sight. Now we can defeat Lucifer but we need to remember that it is still Sam’s body, we also need to make sure that my..that Connie is safe as well.” Cas looked at the stony faced hunters around him, each face grim and full of determination. “all we need now is a plan”

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