Never trust the Devil

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I know I said it would be up sooner than this all I can do is say sorry but here it is. Enjoy.


Chapter eleven


After he had gone everyone seemed to talk at once, demanding answers. “shut up!” Bobby’s voice rang out halting everyone’s ranting. Bobby’s face was grim as he looked at Dean “is it true” Dean put his head in his hands “yes”

“is what true?” they all turned at the sound of Cass’s voice while Dean sighed deeply. “Lucifer was here” Castiel’s eyes glazed in anger. Sean laughed sarcastically “only to come gloat that the bitch had given in and fucked him” Castiel was across the room and had Sean by the throat before anyone could even speak. “don’t talk about her that way. You don’t know here, you don’t know anything” Dean ran a calloused hand down his weary face “its true”” Cass dropped Sean and spun to face his oldest friend “what did you say?” “sit down Cass” Cass stood as still and unmoving as a statue “not until you explain!” Dean shook his head and began to pace “I had a vision” Castiel laughed “you don’t get visions, Sam always had the visions” “I know but just hear me out please, I saw them okay. I saw Sam and Connie in bed. Having sex. It was like I was there floating above them” Castiel sagged into a chair, letting his head fall into his hands in despair. “she said she wouldn’t give in to him. She said she loved me too much”

Sean sighed “Lucifer came to gloat, he told us so himself” Cass looked past the fella’s to Jo and Ellen hoping they would deny it but all they did was nod. Growling Cass stood as winds billowed his trench coat around him as he summoned his power to him. “what are you doing?” Dean shouted at him. Cass’s eyes were full of hatred “summoning the devil.

Meanwhile in Hell….

Sam transported himself into his room as his laughter echoed off the walls. What Dean and his band of idiots didn’t realise is that after Sam had unhooked Connie’s bra she had come to her senses and fought like a wildcat until Sam left.

The “vision” Dean saw was plated in his head by Sam. All part of the master plan. Shaking his head he made his way to her room. Although she had fought against it he knew the spell still held but barely. She was fighting it like a trooper and had almost broken it. Right on time. He could feel power calling him, it would seem Cass had a few things to say. Although he could have fought against it he closed his eyes and let the power claim him, when he opened them he was back in Bobby’s house looking at a very pissed off Angel.

“Castiel so nice to see you. How have you been?” Cass punched him right in the jaw “OW” Castiel growled furiously at Sam’s possessed form while Sam’s body shook with silent laughter “so I see you’ve heard, call me here to congratulate me did we? If that’s the case then I think Connie should be here too don’t you” with that he clicked his fingers and she appeared beside him in her tiny nightgown. Cass was in shock as he took in her tiny night wear. “I guess we should be grateful that she is dressed at all” confusion lit up Connie’s eyes. “what am I doing here?” Cass laughed at her acting skills. Roughly he reached out and grabbed her hand, raising it to his lips he kissed it harshly “we just wanted to say congratulations on fucking the very thing you wouldn’t. to say well done on becoming the whore of the devil”

As soon as his lips had touched her skin the spell she was under shattered and evaporated. Blinking her head Connie smiled at Cass until he dropped her hand like she was cursed. Turning to Sam as her anger grew she poked him in the chest accusingly “what did you do?” Sean laughed at her causing her to swing around to face him “he didn’t do anything except tell us the truth, you slept with the devil betraying us, betraying Castiel” Connie’s gasp of horror echoes around the room as she ran to where Cass stood immobile as she tried to embrace him. He just shook her off so she grabbed his face between both her hands. “no Cass no! I didn’t. I have been fighting his spell, I love you.”

Cass roughly pushed her and she feel in a heap to the floor, her eyes pleading with him. “that’s where you belong, you’re beneath me. I don’t love you. You are tainted by him now. Well he can have you because I don’t want you”

Connie tried to find some spark of emotion in his eyes but they were as cold and dead as ice. It was at that moment that her heart broke and part of her soul died. She had fought so hard for freedom and now she had it he was discarding her like some used toy. Closing her eyes her tears gave way to a burning rage. Who was he to come back into her life and fuck it up, who was he to discard her love so easily. To hell with him and all men. If he wanted to believe the lies of Lucifer so easily then so be it.

Standing she wiped her useless tears away. “tell them the truth” looking at Sam she laughed and it was a cold hollow sound “it doesn’t matter now, you win so just tell them” Dean, Ellen and Jo stood by Cass who was watching both Sam and Connie with hate. “tell us what?” Sam laughed with glee and practically danced on the spot. “I lied” Dean grunted “about what?” Sam waltzed over to Cass triumphantly and peered in to the Angels eyes. “I sent Dean that vision. It was fake. I wont lie I did try to seduce her but she fought me off every time. You see she didn’t want to betray her friends and the ones she loves.” turning to Dean he actually giggled in the hunter face “and instead of believing the girl you both love you disown her and believe the devil which is pretty stupid don’t you think. Haven’t you learnt by now that trusting the devil is a bad move”

Cass glanced at Connie and the truth of Sam’s words fell on his shoulders like a lead weight. How could he have believed the lie so easily. “Connie…I..” as he reached out to touch her cheek she raised her eyes to him and what he saw made him recoil in regret. Her eyes that were once so full of happiness and light were now a clear ice blue, devoid of all emotion. She stepped back from his touch “no Castiel you don’t get to touch me. I am beneath you remember” as they all watched Connie coated herself in her magic as she had done before, but not in fire this time but in ice. Whistling she called out “Brutas, Titan. Come!!”

The sound of snarls and claws hitting the floor sounded around the room until two giant hell hounds appeared beside her. Thanks to a spell Bobby had worked over a year ago all the hunters could see the animals as clear as day.

Addressing Sam Connie’s voice was cold and emotionless “lets go home” both Cass and Dean took a step towards her but stop when the hounds hackles rose and they snapped at the approaching men. Leaning down Connie planted a kiss on each wet nose before calling them to her side. “I will be waiting for your return Lucifer” then she was gone.

“well now I think that went better than I had planned” Sam gloated as Dean sagged defeated in a chair and Cass sank to his knees crying in despair. Then he too was gone.



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⏰ Last updated: Sep 18, 2012 ⏰

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