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Chapter two

Connie woke up to the sound of hushed voices. Groaning she rolled onto her side and tried to focus on where she was, from the looks of it, it was a motel room. Squinting her eyes she moaned god she hated when angels zapped you away with no warning. Speaking of angels. Bolting out of the bed so fast she startled Dean she ran to the motel door but was stopped by a hand grabbing her arm and throwing her back onto the bed. “your not leaving so don’t bother trying I will do all I have to, to stop you” Connie laid on the bed and huffed “awww Dean all I want is a hug from you, please Dean?” staring him in the eyes she willed him to fall for it and he did he walked over to the bed and was about to hug her when “ouch” she kicked him out the way and made a mad dash for the door again but again he pulled her back. Flinging her over his shoulder he walked to the bed and threw her on it none too gently. “”no more tricks just stay” Dean glanced at her and saw her eyes fill up with tears “okay fine you win but can I ask you one thing?” “what” Connie lowered her eyes and pretended to be demure. “can you come here so I can tell you please” innocent eyes bore into his and Dean gave in. walking over to the edge of the bed her stood with his arms folded. “okay, what?” the bed creaked as Connie shuffled closer to the edge and went on her knees in front of him so she didn’t have to look up to see his eyes. Staring deep into his gorgeous orbs she licked her lips and pouted seductively. “you hurt my lip” “what?” “when you threw me you hurt my lip, you better kiss it better or I’m gonna cry” Dean look stunned. Then again she did have rosy red lips that begged for his. Forgetting where they were and what was going on Dean leaned into her and Connie leant forward, as soon as their lips met Dean groaned and wrapped an arm around her waist pulling Connie closer. She tasted like chocolate and strangely enough danger. An intoxicating combo. Connie growled in her throat and bit his lips asking for entrance, which he gladly gave savouring her taste. Throwing herself backwards Connie took Dean with her and they landed with Dean on top, which wasn’t what Connie had in mind. Flipping them over Connie straddled Dean and pulled away from the kiss breathless.

Dean overwhelmed by her scent kissed her face then worked his way down to her neck while his hand cradled her arse holding her against him. “mmm your not a bad kisser Dean” he only growled playfully in response Connie grabbed his hair and pulled his head back exposing his neck, leaning into him she playfully licked his neck then bit it hard leaving a mark of her teeth while Dean grasped her tighter full of lust. “shame I have to do this though” Connie whispered in his ear just as she threw herself off him and at the door. Hearing Dean struggling to get up she smirked. Victory at last. Or not so it would seem as a new set of arms grabbed her around the waist and held her off the ground struggling.

“noooo let me go, idiots I’m gonna kill you all if I have to just let me go” the arms dropped her harshly on the floor “that’s not a very nice thing to say.” Connies heart seemed to stop at the sound of that voice, she hadn’t heard it in four years. Scrambling up Connie turned to face the music so to speak. Crying out she clasped her hands over her mouth to stop the sobs escaping “Cas?” Cas observed Connie while she broke in front of him. It had been four years since the last time he had seen her. Four years too long. He felt the pull even now. Her eyes glittered with unshed tears but her lips were swollen from Deans kisses. Same old Connie, using her gifts to her advantage, poor Dean. Reaching a hand out he caressed her face savouring the feel of her soft skin against his. “Cas is it really you? I thought you went back to heaven, I thought you would have been killed?” seeing her so distressed broke something inside of Cas. Giving a tortured cry Cas lunged and pulled her to him roughly, he whispered her name “Connie” then crushed his lips on hers and pulled her close. First of all Connie was shocked then she melted into him, a perfect fit against his body, her hands tangled in his hair while he ran his own down her back. “excuse me but what the hells going on here?” pulling away Connie looked around to see a very confused and very pissed Dean watching them., “BUGGER, Cas can fill you in, I need a shower” when the bathroom door slammed behind her Dean rounded on Cas. “okay first off how did I go from wanting to strangle the chick to being on the bed kissing her and .. Stuff. And why did you kiss her? What the hells going on, who is she Cas” Cas slumped down the wall and put his head in his hands. Sighing he turned tortured eyes on his friend.

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