The internal struggle for control

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Ok well here is chapter nine and I think so far I am not doing too bad I upload every few days sometimes two chapters at a time but yet still no comments. Please leave a comment and vote so I know if its worth continuing this story. *- Con-* also the first to comment will have their name used as a hunters name. :D

Chapter nine

Connie gasped as she heard footsteps approaching her hiding place. In normal time she had been here for about 4 weeks but in hell time that was months. She had been happy at first but then the flashes had started, the flashes of her life on the surface as she liked to call it. Flashes of sad blue eyes haunted her dreams. Cas, her Cas. She missed him, part of her knew that but that part was cut off from her by the damned spell. When Sam/Lucifer (A/N we just call him Sam) tried to seduce her she was all up for it but then this nagging feeling in her heart would make her stop and cause her to run. Like just now, she knew it wouldn’t be long before he found her it never took him long. It was like a game for them now. “I can hear your heart beat Connie you may as well come out, the dogs can smell you as well don’t forget” Connies heart dropped and as if they were drawn to it two sets of dark black eyes came around the corner and stared at her as growling erupted from the two hellhounds mouths as they approached her. At first Connie had feared these beasts, for she bore the scars of their teeth and ferocity on her body but lately she had realised that like her they were also trapped here and were made to do his bidding. Annoyed though Connie kicked out at them “shoo before he finds me” lashing out a kick landed on a wet snuffling nose causing the hellhound to yelp out sharply in pain. Dropping to her knees beside the beast Connie wrapped her arms around its neck. “ahhh damn Brutus I am sorry I didn’t mean to actually hit you” the hounds huge black head butted against her and the hound behind her licked her ear. The hounds themselves were huge, black fur usually coated their heaving bodies, muscles rippled as they walked, and with eyes like a demon they looked evil, which was the point I suppose. Their teeth sharp as daggers and loyalty like no other to their masters they were a perfect weapon/guard here in hell. Standing Connie sighed, the hounds reached above her waist in height so her loosely dangling hands trailed across their backs. Looking down into bottomless black eyes Connie let out a small breathe. “come then Brutus and you Titan, lets go face the music shall we” so with a hellhound on each side Connie turned the corner and walked back to ‘her’ room. Upon entering the gothic chamber the hounds settled themselves by the open fireside. Sam lounged on her bed with his frame at ease and his smile as cocky as ever. “you never resist the hounds” Connie snorted “no but I still manage to resist you” although at the moment looking at his in the fires glow all she wanted to do was run and throw herself at him.

As though reading her mind Sam heaved himself from the bed and approached her. “yes, I don’t know how but yet you still manage to say no to me at every turn. I have given you a separate room, a personal tailor and I haven’t pushed you for anything. Perhaps by treading slowly I have left room for you to doubt but I am tired of being patient now I am just going to take what I want, see if you can resist then.” Connie tried to move back but he was too fast as his hands grabbed her waist pulling her closer, Sam looked at her and smiled, with her hair wild and ruffled from running away, her cheeks flushed and heart pounding wildly she looked delicious. Bending to kiss her he watched a smirk flash on her face seconds before she set fire to herself, using her powers. Marvelling at her power Sam laughed “ha ha we are in hell Connie, I embrace fire.” he whispered seductively “just give in already I know you want to” his lips connected with hers as Connie gave in to the sensations of his lips on hers, even though every fibre of her being screamed that it was wrong the spell clouded her mind too much for her to stop. Surprising him she pulled him backwards and down onto the bed behind them. Running her hands across his chest she began to unbutton his shirt with impatient force earning a growl from him that sent shivers dancing across her skin. It was as though something took over her body, as though she were floating above herself screaming at herself to stop as she rolled on the bed with Sam. Passion rose and clothes were shed until he was naked and she only had her underwear on. As he reached for her bra’s clasp she gasped as though newly awoken.

“Sam…Lucifer NO!! what’s going on? I want…” her head seemed to have cleared for a moment Sam threaded his hands in her hair and trailed kisses from her temple to her chest. “don’t” his breathe swept across her skin causing her to arch her back “don’t think, don’t talk just react for me. Too late to turn back now baby, I have you now. Finally” he pulled her so she straddled his lap facing him their lips inches apart. Looking into her eyes he watched her fight internally laughing to himself he ran his hands softly down her back then roughly scratched his nails on her skin up to her shoulders again. triumphantly he watched the spell win and lust filled her blue eyes. The last words before she gave in and reclaimed his lips were “Damn you” her lips crashed against his in an urgent manner, hot tongue sweeping across his lips. Sam reached behind her to unclasp her bra. “I win”

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