For the greater good

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Chapter three

Dean slumped on the floor with his head in his hands, he hadn’t really thought of his brother as truly evil until seeing the evidence just now. He hoped and prayed he could get the old Sam back but to do that he needed to convince one of his victims to save Sam’s soul. God how messed up could this get. Cas stood next to him and gestured at the door. "your going to need to go after her, she’s at the park across the road. Probably on the swings as she loves those. Try and talk to her Dean. We cant do this without her and so many lives depend on it.” with that and a silent goodbye Cas vanished leaving Dean to do the dirty work as usual. Grumbling profanities under his breath at the absent Angel Dean rose and grabbed his jacket from the chair and walked out the motel and made his way to the park.

Connies pov

God damn it. Stupid Angel, stupid Dean stupid world!!

After fours years of running away from that world, the world that for her was full of pain, abandonment and torture. And now just when she finally started to feel human and normal it rears its ugly head and drops a bomb on her heart. Not only did she meet the brother of the man responsible for her scars but the bloody Angel that broke her heart into a million shattered pieces. And to put a cherry on that cake of pain they want her to save Sam Winchester. The devil. Part of her wanted to scream at them and throw stuff but part of her said think of all the lives she could save if she shoved Lucifer’s ugly arse back into his cage. What to do. It was tearing her skull apart just trying to think. Hearing a twig snap she whirled around only to come face to face with Dean. “argh what now? Cant a girl think in peace now?” Dean shrugged at her and smirked, “we need to talk” Connie scowled at him and tried to ignore him. She made her way to the swings and plonked herself down on one, its swaying motion instantly calming her. Tilting her head back she let the wind tease her hair as she swung. Dean laughed jolting her out of her little bubble. “what” she snapped. “nothing just Cas was right you love swings don’t you” connies heart tightened at Cass’s name. “yeah well they calm me down, which is good for you otherwise I’d probably be punching you right now”

Dean slumped into the swing next to her and sighed. “look I know we didn’t start off so great but I need your help and so do a lot of innocent people here Connie. You are the only one we know of that can save Sam, the only one with enough power to do it. I am begging you to help us and as a rule I don’t usually beg.” Connie stared at him thinking over what he just said. “I don’t know Dean I have spent the last six months wishing your brother was dead, my scars haven’t even healed properly and you want me to not only go face the bugger but help him. don’t you think your asking too much” Dean stood and walked in front of her, kneeling so he was between her legs he put a hand on her knee. “ I know, I have been to hell and back I know what pain is and I can understand that you feel angry and don’t want to help, but its not just about us. Its about all the people Lucifer kills. Its not Sam, we gotta remember that its just his body. Sammy would never do that to you, or anyone else. Im the ruthless one, he would just sit there and give you puppy eyes and chick flick crap. Please I am asking you as a desperate big brother help me get Sammy back.” Looking into his eyes Connie saw he was telling the truth, not knowing if she was going to regret doing this or not she ran a hand down her face in defeat. “CASTIEL!! You get your butt back down here right now or I swear to god I will come up there after you and don’t think I wont. I am going to count to three… one.. Two..” “no need to shout I can hear you” Connie swallowed he next word and smiled a small smile. “I know” standing she pulled Dean to his feet. Cas stood next to her and she could feel his energy, the pull towards him was so strong and she could almost taste his lips on hers again…and those eyes, she could drown in those eyes…. “Ahem!!” startled Connie and Cas blinked at Dean and he laughed “is it always going to be like this, with you two being so attracted to each other all the time” Connie looked at Cas and noticed that they were only inches apart and he had his hands around her waist while she had hers around his neck. Damn bloody soul mate attraction. Cas would have blushed if he could. Stepping apart Connie laughed. Looking around she remembered their reason for being here and sighed. “I hope you boys have rested enough” two pairs of eyes stared at her blankly. “why?” Dean asked her curiously.

Connie looked out at the sunrise and smiled knowingly “because we got a job to do and a Devil to send back to hell”


Okay so thats the new chapter, i dont know how well this story is doing so please leave a comment and vote. if you have any ideas youd like to happen later in the story either private message me or add me on facebook at

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