surprise visit

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Chapter six

Connie let out a very girly yelp and grabbed Cass's  hand. “oh my god, I’m scared Cas, don’t let go”“Connie where are you?” Connie froze, that’s was Cass’s voice but it came from the other side of the room. So who had hold of her hand. Tugging at her hand to pull herself free she screamed just as the back up generator kicked in and the lights flickered back on once more. Glancing up Connie’s heart seemed to stop “no no no NO!!” Cas Saw Sam holding Connies hand and started to make his way towards them but Crowley appeared behind him grabbing the Angel so that he couldn’t move. “make one more move and I will kill you” feeling a sharp pain Cas looked down and saw Crowley had an Angels blade pressed directly over his heart. Frantically Cas tried to teleport but he couldn’t. Dean stared at Sam frozen in place. The Angelic demon possessing his brothers body laughed harshly. He freed Connies hand only to grab her by the waist and pull her back against him tightly as she faced the room, panic etched on her features. “let her go Sam”“Sam’s not here Dean, he is scratching away inside though. Well see Crowley was right after all I came here myself to collect dean Castiel’s soul mate. Cas growled at him while Deans forehead creased in confusion. “why” Sam stroked a hand down Connies face “because a prophet told me I could win this war if I managed to create and heir. And I was told only one person could provide me with one. An immortal with powers so great no-one knew the extent of them.” pausing he brushed Connies hair away from her neck and gently kissed the now exposed skin. “and she’s that women, the one who will help me and Sam just like Crowley told Bobby” before anyone could blink Connie kicked Sam in the shin hard enough to surprise him into loosening his grip enough for her to wriggle away. “no-one is making me have a child with you, I am in love with Cas. He is the only one I will be with thanks” closing her eyes she called her powers and turned herself into her flaming form that she showed Dean in the motel room that time. A brave display but as she turned towards Cas Dean shouted a warning. “behind you Connie look out” now three things happened at once. One Sam clicked his fingers making Dean, Bobby and Cas unable to move at all, two - Connie turned to face Sam a look of fury on her face. And three - Sam threw a powder which hit Connie right in the eyes. Coughing and retching Connie fell to the floor heaving, something was wrong, something was happening. Cas screamed her name but its as though she heard it from far away she could focus. The flames surrounding her body went out. Looking up in to Sam’s face she smiled. Whoa!! Smiled.. What was wrong with her. Running her eyes up from his muscular legs, toned abs to his dreamy face and.. Hold up!! Connies heart beat quickened, oh dear sweet Jesus it was a lust spell and a very strong one. She was in bid trouble. Wobbling to her feet she glanced at Dean and Bobby before tearing her gaze away to look into deep pain filled blue eyes, the eyes of her Angel. “you three better work out a way to break a lust spell and save me.. And fast!!” glancing at Cas one more time before the spell clouded her completely she blew him a kiss “remember it’s a spell, I love you and only you for eternity my Angel.” grimacing and holding her head while hunched over Connie felt the spell settle. Straightening she smiled. At Sam. Cas looked on in horror as Sam grabbed her to him and laughed a victorious laugh as Connies arms reached up and curled around his neck her fingers playing with his hair. She pressed herself closer. Speaking to the room Sam sighed “I guess I win” leaning down as though to prove a point he roughly kissed Connie groaning as she kissed him back passionately. Holding onto Sam’s hand she faced the room and pleaded with her eyes at Castiel.. “save me”

 Then they were gone. Dean and Cas could finally move, looking at where the Devil and his other half had just been Cas got angry. Rounding on Bobby he grabbed the old man by his collar and lifted him off the floor

“why!! Look at what you’ve done Bobby. “Do you know what this means, do you know what you’ve started?” Dean pushed the men apart “Cas calm down okay we will get them back both of them but us fighting isn’t gonna help”“your always fighting Dean” Dean sighed “I know but this is really important, like life or death important so for once I’m gonna try and behave myself if you two could do the same” Bobby grabbed the whisky off the side and didn’t bother with a glass just tipped it back and drank long slow gulps. Wiping his mouth he spoke directly to Cas “what is so important about this one girl? How can she have made any big difference in this fight?” Cas sat on the couch with his head in his hands. “Dean do you remember what I told you about Connie “yeah you said she was powerful and also off limits” he smirked cheekily. Cas gave him that look. “the other bit I told you not just that” Dean grabbed the whiskey from Bobby who by now was leaning on the doorframe listening. “oh yeah, you said you were sent to find her as the Angels could use her as a weapon to destroy their enemies."

"yes Dean exactly but its not a weapon for all of them as a whole she can be used to help an individual Angel if she wanted to, she could help just one at a time to kill enemies.” Dean looked confused causing Cas to get up and start pacing in frustration. “I will put it simpler for you Dean, what is Sam”“you mean other than freakishly tall, he’s the Devil”“yes but he is also..” Dean stood abruptly and swore loudly. Bobby moved into the room “he is also an Angel.” Cas looked at them both with bright eyes full of pain “exactly, he’s now an Angel with a powerful weapon. If he manages to create an heir also then he will be unstoppable.”

There was a rustling sound from Dean, looking at him they saw he was throwing on his coat.

“what are you doing boy? Bobby demanded in a harsh tone. Dean grabbed his keys “we cant just sit here, we’ve got to get Cass’s girl back, and save the world of course.” Cas and Bobby stared at him. “and how do we do that you Idjit” Dean threw Bobby his jacket “by rallying up every hunter we know. He wants a war we will give him one.” Cas stared at Dean "I also have an idea that will help with that but I must return to heaven shortly to do so. Pray for me when you get to your destination” with that Cas zapped out while Dean and Bobby walked out the house both standing tall and on a mission.

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