Disheartening circumstances

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Chapter eight

Bobby’s house became a sort of headquarters for all the hunters, a safe haven. Bobby hated it. It was so noisy all the time. Not to mention all the time he spent clearing up all the beer bottles and pizza boxes. Sweeping his eyes across his living room he heaved a sigh. Dean was asleep on his couch and Sean was curled up on the armchair. The girls had of course taken his spare room. Scratching his head in amusement Bobby watched as Dean groaned, waking up as gracefully as ever..pffft. “morning princess” Bobby chuckled as Dean stretched his stiff limbs. “morning, anyone else awake yet” Bobby pointed at Sean’s still snoring form, on close inspection Dean could see Sean was slightly drooling into the cushion that he had used as a pillow. “yikes well I need coffee and food, definitely food.”

After eating what seemed to Bobby like half his fridge Dean was munching on the last of his bacon when light footsteps padded down the stairs and into the kitchen revealing a fluffy haired Jo and Ellen. Ellen greeted Bobby while Jo helped herself to a mug of coffee. “so..” taking a sip Jo spoke to everyone “anyone magically dream of a plan or are we still stuck at square one” grumpy looks and mumbling is all she got as a reply “square one huh” Dean put his plate in the sink and went to wake his comatose guest. Jo was right they did need a plan, it had been a week since Cass’s last visit and yet no-one still had a plan. How could they beat the unbeatable. Even his all knowing father was clueless. John had decided to stay at a motel a few miles down the road, said that the cramped conditions weren’t his style. Dean threw a cushion at the sleeping hunters head startling him awake. Not wanting to hear all the profanities thrown at him he strolled out the house and sat on the front step. A almost silent whoosh caused him to sigh as Cas sat down next to him. “hello Cas” Cas watched Dean pick up a stone, twisting it in-between his fingers. Dean threw the stone in frustration “were going no-where fast Cas, what we gonna do?” Cas stared off into the distance. “we have to form a plan” Dean stood and paced in front of his Angelic friend. “that’s what I mean Cas, I know we need a plan, I do. But that’s the thing its not working. None of us can think of one. Of all the things we have faced before its nothing compared to this.” Cas placed a hand on Deans shoulder. “I know I have been watching. Something is bound to be revealed to us soon Dean I can tell. Just have a little faith.” with that said he was gone leaving Dean with very confused thoughts.

Cas said to be patient but just how patient could they be when the world was at risk.


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