Bobby's and Betrayal

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Chapter Five

The flight back to America and Bobby was a quiet uneventful one. The only entertainment was when Connie teased Dean about being petrified to fly., which was made worse when they hit a really bad patch of turbulence and Dean turned a lovely shade of green. Cas had obviously zapped himself to Bobby ahead of them but they had no choice but to get a plane like every other mortal. Well saying that Connie was immortal but Dean didn’t know if she had the power to teleport and he hadn’t asked. As soon as they landed Dean was out of that Airport quicker than you could say greasy spoon. Cas had somehow managed to get Deans beloved Impala to England and back. Seeing it waiting for him bought some colour back to Deans face and he and Connie were soon speeding away towards Bobby’s and hopefully some answers. It had been a total of nine weeks without Sam and although he would never admit it out loud Dean missed his freakishly tall brother. “we are here Dean” snapped out of his thoughts at the sound of Connies voice he saw they were indeed pulling up to Bobby’s neglected yet homely house. Standing on the steps waiting for them was Cas who came down the steps as Connie got out of the car and hugged her, kissing her gently. “hey” a sigh rang out next to Cas “for gods sake get in the house” the other guy who had spoken stepped forward. Wearing jeans, a grubby shirt and a baseball cap Bobby wasn’t striking but the way he held himself demanded obedience and even the Angel listened to him as they filed into the house. Dean looked around and softly smile, nothing ever changed here. Still the same dated décor and mess. Books of all shapes and sizes covered most of the work tops, books on spells, lore and every other useful topic and hunter needed. Turning to Bobby he smiled and held his arms out wide “what no hug?” “shut up you Idjit” Bobby looked at Dean and sighed “anyone want a drink the kitchens that way” he pointed. “great after my crappy flight I think I need a beer” turning to Connie Dean smiled “want one” Connie smiled back at him “you know me of course I do” after five minutes of rummaging Dean came back to see everyone still standing in the middle of the living room. Cas was looking confused while he stared at Bonny as though trying to figure something out Dean handed Connie her beer. “what’s up with Cas” Connie shrugged and took the beer, suddenly Cas swore startling everyone. Rushing to his side Connie took his face in her hands, something was wrong Cas never swore. He was in ever sense of the word an Angel. Looking deep into his captivating eyes Connie caressed his cheek “what Cas, what did you see?” glancing at Bobby she just saw a man, just plain old Bobby..except “shit!!” Cas grabbed her wrist making her drop her beer in fright. Dean placed a hand roughly on Cass’s shoulder halting his movement “what’s going on here?” Cas scowled at Bobby “I see a Demon” studying Bobby Dean laughed “Bobby isn’t a demon I would have sensed it when we came in what’s gotten into you Cas? Cas pulled Connie back against his body protectively and studied Bobby “ I didn’t mean that Bobby is possessed I mean a demon is on its way here and Bobby is the one that called it” Dean laughed again but choked when Bobby lowered his eyes in shame “what the hells going on Bobby, what does Cas mean you called a demon. What demon?”

“me” a new voice caused everyone apart from Bobby to jump and spin around to face the intruder. Standing a few feet away in the doorway was Crowley “miss me Dean?” Dean turned on Bobby “what the hell Bobby, someone better start explaining or I am gonna start shooting.” Bobby slumped in an armchair sending up a cloud of dust, “Crowley came a week ago and told me he had a way to end all this war. He had a way to help Sam and save your life all I had to do was get you three here” Dean growled “your mad, why would you trust him. After all he’s done to you Bobby. Remember when he took your soul hostage and then he released Satan who then repossessed Sam. This whole war is his fault why would he help you end it” Bobby pointed at Dean with a snarl “because boy I had no choice, if we were gonna lose I would pay whatever he wanted to save you. Just like you would do for us” Cas laughed a harsh sound, “what’s the price Bobby” Bobby raised his eyes to Cas and they were full of regret and pain before he even uttered a sound his eyes flickered to Connie and he dropped his gaze to the floor. “no!!” Dean grabbed his coat and pointed at Crowley “tell your boss he can stay in hell, He cant have Connie, we don’t give people to the monsters. Cas and I will kill you right now if you try and stop us all from leaving” there was silence as everyone grabbed coats and bags as quickly as they could.

“I wouldn’t leave if I were you, I am on strict orders if the girl doesn’t come with me then he will come up here himself to get her” Dean and Cas both froze in shock. Full of certainty Cas looked at the demon before him “he’s the devil, he has a war to fight. I doubt he would surface now just to collect Connie, no matter how important they were.” suddenly they were all plunged into darkness as the lights flickered once and then went out.


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