Monk and Ayako

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Author's Note:

Hey guys! Well I'm happy to say the sequl to 'The sneaky Couple is on its way! I hope everyone enjoys it cause it was voted on by all the followers to have a sequal... So here it is!!! Also I don't own Ghost Hunt! Or the characters sadly... but the story plot is all mine!

REVENGE on "The Sneaky Couple"

Chapter 2

Later that evening the group of revenge seeking couples... well plus Yasu (Hey!) left to deal with their little spirit. Which wasn't hard at all, quick and easy, just how they wanted it. So once they finished that the group set off to gather the needed supplies for the revenge prank they had planned on the sneaky little couple.

Morning came with all peaceful in the school, Monk and Ayako snickered in the corner of the base when Naru ordered the command for his tea. Like always Naru sent Ayako to accompany Mai to the kitchen since she seemed to always attract unwanted attention.

Mai sighed as she put the water on to boil, "Ayako can you get the tray and cups out?" She asked stretching, going to retrieve the tea leaves.

"Sure." Ayako said hiding her smirk as she pulled an already set try out carefully. She placed it on the counter softly turning the stove off as the water began to boil.

Mai came back with the box of tea and a smile bright on her face, "what's the smile for Mai?" Ayako asked curiously.

"Oh nothing really... just glad I packed Naru's favorite tea cause he always like to-" Mai stopped what she was saying abruptly blushing madly.

"Likes to what Mai?" She asked slyly getting closer to the Crimson face girl.

"NOTHING!" Mai blurted out quickly making the tea as fast as she could so they could leave, and she escape.

"Ohhhh Mai~" Ayako sang following the rushing girl back to the base. "Don't think this conversation is going to end~" she stated as Mai opened the door to the base flushed.

She walked to Naru's spot and grabbed the mini saucer and passed it down next to him waiting like normal. Naru kept reading his papers and calmly grabbed his cup and took a sip, he froze.

Everyone is the base stared at him confused, "Naru?" Mai called to him but he did nothing, he just froze leaving the cup where it was.

He said nothing but his eyebrow furrowed in confusion, his narrowed eyes almost seeming to get frosty. Mai tapped his shoulder and his glare cut to her, she flinched shivering in slight fear.

Everyone just stared at him in more confusion as he jerk up from his seat and marched out of the room slamming the door opened and closed behind him.

"What's his deal?" Ayako asked haughty as she looked at her nails, she almost felt bad for Mai.... ALMOST.

Monk smirked at his girlfriend's acting and joined in, "Who knows he just got up and left while drinking his tea." He stated confused.

"I'm going to go check on him..." Mai said worriedly heading for the base door.

"Wai-" John started but she was already out before he could stop her.

The sighed but soon burst into a fit of laughter, "he has no idea why the cup is stuck to his hand and face!" Monk yelled grabbing his stomach.

After a few minutes of laughing Lin told everyone to quiet down and stop laughing cause Naru was coming back along with Mai.

The base door open and Naru walked in followed by a crying Mai who had her face covered by her hands. "Mai? Mai what's wrong?" Ayako asked her standing up to walk to the poor girl.

Mai only shook her head, Ayako place a gentle hand on the girls trembling shoulder. "Naru what did you do to make her cry!" She yelled at him.

The rooms temperature seemed to be falling ever since Naru and Mai came back, he turned and glared at the red headed women dropping it further, colder than the Arctic. She shivered at his cold calculating look, full of mistrust and betrayal.

"What's your deal, Naru?" Monk  asked but Naru ignored everyone sitting back down.

A small giggle filled the room, everyone looked around the room for the source of the sound. Every eye was on Mai as she doubled over in a fit of laughter. "Hahahahahahahaha I-I can't!" She said gasping for air.

She kept laughing and everyone stared at her like she was crazy, "what's so funny Mai?" Madoka asked the crying girl.

"Na-haha-Naru! The cup was-hahahaha" she laughed trying to explain.

"What about a cup?" Yasu asked waiting calmly.

"THE CUP WAS STUCK TO HIS FACE AND HAND!!!!" She cried out falling to the floor holding her sides.

The group burst out laughing again seeing Naru's agitated face not helping the matter. He glared at everyone, "That is not funny..." he growled.

"Yes it is!" Monk yelled out.

While everyone laughed at Naru, he calmly rose back up took another cup carefully not getting stuck to his hand. He walked to the bathroom door entered and came out with the now empty cup. Walking smoothly to his target he shoved the cup into Monk hair getting it stuck and tangled into the sand blonde hair.

"WHAT THE HELL!!!?!?!" Monk hissed grabbing his head.

Ayako laughed pointing at him, "looks like now you will have to cut your hair!" Eveyone laughed at him as he tried to remove the cup from his hair without losing any hair.

Naru smirked, "Not so funny now hmmm?" Monk glared at him and dashed from the room leave behind a laughing group.

Heya everyone! It's your girl Fairy here looks like Monk and Ayako's revenge plan didn't work out quite like they wanted but was still hilarious! Stay tuned for the next chapter of revenge on the Sneaky Couple! Please comment and vote!


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