Yasu and Luella Part1

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Author's Note:

Hey guys! Well I'm happy to say the sequl to 'The sneaky Couple is on its way! I hope everyone enjoys it cause it was voted on by all the followers to have a sequal... So here it is!!! Also I don't own Ghost Hunt! Or the characters sadly... but the story plot is all mine!

REVENGE on "The Sneaky Couple"

Chapter 5 Yasu!

Yasu smirked it was now his turn to extract his revenge on Naru and Mai... well more of Naru and he had the perfect plan. It had been to months since Madoka had been in Japan and duty had called, she need to head back to London.

Madoka had given Mai the message that Luella was in dyer need to talk to her since Mai had now finally graduate school. Yasu stood by Mai and Madoka holding their luggage. The two women chatted excitedly, "I can't wait till you get to London it's going to be great!" Madoka exclaimed.

Mai giggled turning to Yasu, "so you will tell Naru for me? I know it's really sudden, but he's not answering his phone..." Mai said sadly.

"Yep don't worry I got you all cover!" He smiled brightly.

A voice on the announcer started calling flight numbers, "Well, it's time!" Madoka said grabbing Mai by the arm dragging her off to their gate.

"Bye!!!" She yelled waving wildly, turning to rush off with Madoka.

Yasu smirked, it was time he was going to steal Mai from Naru! Okay no not really Yasu sighed he actually had been at peace for the past month, due to the fact he got himself a girlfriend.

Ironically she looked like Mai and even acted like her so the plan he formulated would work really well. He chuckled driving to the office, he was going to have so much fun.

After arriving to the office he called his girlfriend telling her to come to the office. After sitting there for thirty minutes Naru called for his tea like normal, "Mai tea!" He chuckled evilly when his phone went off signaling she was there.

He stood walking to the door holding the bell as he let her in quietly. "Okay he's going to come out yelling at you, don't let him see your face get up and go out side crying ok?" He explained leading her to Mai's desk.

"Okay Yashi!" She smiled brightly.

"Thanks for helping me Aida" he thanked her lovingly.

"Anything for you." She said blushing.

After waiting five minutes Naru opened his door, "Mai tea!"

Aida did just as Yasu instructed she did nothing, said nothing only kept her face hidden from his sight, "Mai?"

The girl trembled like she was crying, Naru sighed, "Mai what's wrong? " Naru asked getting closer.

Aida turned away from him covering her face with her hands Yasu smirked, Naru frowned at her. He reached out his hand and gently she shot up running out the front door.

"Mai?!" Both Yasu and Naru yelled watching run out.

Naru ran to the door, " wait Naru let me go talk to her first!" Yasu asked grabbing his arm.

Naru glared at the college man but said nothing, Yasu slipped past him to find Aida shivering on the last step. "Wow you were great in there! It worked" Yasu said looking at her.

"I'm glad I love doing things like this pranking is so much fun!" Aida said uncovering her face.

Yasu pulled her in to a tight embrace, she blushed a brilliant scarlet. "That's why I love you, we so alike.." Yasu whispered in her ear, Aida shivered.

"I-I love you too.." she said weakly.

Yasu backed up cupping her scarlet cheeks slowly bending forward placing a gentle kiss on her lips. She blushed and wrapped her arms around his neck pulling him closer.

The door slammed open making the couple flinch apart, Aida smilled, "Guess I'll take me leave..." she whispered running off down the street.

"MAI!!!" Naru yelled furiously.

Yasu stood up looking Naru, "Guess you must have done something..." Yasu said smirking evilly.

Naru glared at him, his eyes held so much emotion they could drown him. He swallowed nervously for once backing up a few steps.

"Mai told me to tell you she's head to England." He said walking up the stairs to the office.

Naru shoved him up against the door, "I trusted you.." Was all Naru hissed.

He ran out of the building to his car, driving off quickly. Yasu sighed now he felt bad, it was going to be hard to restore the trust he had with Naru.

Yasu went back into the building, seeing Lin sitting on the couch in the foyer, "wow.. you really pissed him off... I probably would have beaten the crap out of you if I were him." Lin said looking out the window.

"Yeah... but he'll find out soon enough."

"Guess I better go pack up to head to London." Lin said gathering his stuff leaving, "lock up and come on, we got to call everyone." He ordered.

Yasu gather his things and pulled out his cell phone calling the rest of the group telling them to pack and meet at the airport, they were going to London.

Mai and Madoka head about a three hour head start Lin looked up the next flight to London, it was leaving in two and a half hours.

He purchased tickets for everyone getting ready to go, they all met at the airport. "Do you think he's really going to do it?" Monk asked Yasu.

"I believe so" Yasu said smirking.

Ayako cheered, "then let's go!" She said rushing off.

The group followed on to the plane the excitement rising, " I can't wait to get to London!" Ayako squealed in glee.

Everyone murmured an agreement settling in as the plane took off.

Heya everyone! It's your girl Fairy here looks like Yasu has something still up his sleeve to use, wonder what it is? Stay tuned for the next chapter of revenge on the Sneaky Couple! Please comment and vote!


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