3. Estel means hope

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Aragorn didn't know how long he had been running when an Orc's arrow hit him. The arrow was aimed at his neck, but luckily it stuck his arm instead. He groaned in pain, but knew he couldn't stop. Legolas needed him, and he couldn't even use his sword. He needed a hiding spot.

Another arrow was released, and this time it stuck hit foot, causing him to tumble to the ground. Strong arms grabbed his arms, lifting him off the ground. He screamed when his disoriented shoulder was moving.

"Saruman will choose what we'll do with him." He largest Orc snarled, making spit fly from his mouth.

"Yeah..lets take him to Isengard..."

"I wouldn't think so." A far to familiar voice said, but Aragorn couldn't see his face, because it came from behind him.

"Kill him!" The Orc commanded and all of the orc's except the two who held him ran to kill the intruder.

He heard a sword swinging, and he heard bodies hit the ground. With every thud, he hoped it wasn't his savour.

The two orc's who was holding him suddenly dropped him, making him scream in pain and curl into a ball, protecting himself as he couldn't defend himself.

They ran to attack the person behind him, and he heard another two body's fall to the ground.

He lay and breathed steadily in and out, waiting for any sign that his saviour was alive.

Suddenly he felt two strong arms sit him up against someone's chest, and he felt a water skin being pressed against his lips.

"Drink." A gentle voice said, and he did. He took a few mouthfuls before pushing it away.

"Who are you?" He asked, and the person behind him chuckled.

"What? You don't know the Steward of Gondor?"

Aragorn felt a smile grow on his lips as he turn around to face Boromir.

"Boromir." He laughed and hugged his friend. Boromir smiled behind the ranger's back and patted it gently a few times.

Then Aragorn remembered he reason he had ran, and turned terrified eyes to Boromir.

"We need to help Legolas, he is dying!"

Boromir nodded and ran after Aragorn, when the ranger suddenly fell. Boromir grimaced as he saw the arrow in the ranger's foot, and the one in his arm. He wonder how he hasn't seen them before?

"We need to take those out. They could have poison."

"No time. Legolas needs me."

"He needs you alive." Boromir said soothingly as he knelt down, a hand on Aragorn's other shoulder.

The ranger bit his lip. He wanted to get to Legolas as fast as possible, but as Boromir say, he needed him alive.

Boromir grabbed the arrow in his arm, and without asking he pulled it straight out. Aragorn bit back a scream, and bit his lip instead. He felt Boromir press something against the wound, and saw it was his cloak. He bound it tightly, and without asking he also set the disoriented shoulder back, but then Aragorn couldn't keep his scream in. He decided to not tell Boromir about his broken ribs or his concussion. They had more important things to worry about.

"So, what does the Steward of Gondor doing here, without Gimli and the hobbits?" He panted heavily, but needed to talk to the steward.

Boromir signed and grabbed the other arrow, pulling it straight out. He took the boot off and bound the wound up with the last piece of his cloak.

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