7. Reunited

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Sorry for the long wait. Here is finally the next chapter:)

Legolas opened his eyes when he realised that Saruman was trying to open the door he was leaning against. He fell forward, and while biting his lip, crawled out of the way before he fell to his stomach, exhausted. He bit his lip harder when his sore rips smashed against the ground, but kept quiet.

The door swung open, and Saruman walked in. Legolas could see he was carrying someone, and by the clothes to judge it was Estel. His blood froze as he looked how Saruman roughly threw the man inside the cell before closing the door. The wizard kneeled down next to the man, checking for any signs of awareness. As he found none he rose and leaved the room, forgetting about, or ignored the elf. Surely he would return later to get some answers.

Legolas slowly crawled out of the shadows in the corner and to the unconscious human on the floor. He was relived, but at the same time scared. Estel could be badly injured.

With shaking hands he checked the body for any injuries but found none, just a few smaller scratches which was already bound up. Satisfied, he exhausted fell down next to the human, tangling his hand with his own before falling into a troubled sleep.

When Aragorn began to wake up the world was far to bright for his liking. Taking a hit to the head while he already had a concussion was not good. He was about to raise a hand to rub his sore head when he realised he was tangled to something. He changed his head to see what was holding his hand, and his eyes widen when he see his elf beside him, sleeping. What scared him was that the elf's eyes was closed in sleep, as they only close when the elf is exhausted,injured or dying.

He quickly sat up, rubbing his head with his other hand as pain made his vision blurry. He squeezed the elf's hand hard as he leaned on one elbow so he could reach the elf better. He noticed at once that Legolas ribs was more smashed than before. Even though the clothes his chest looked swollen. He checked the arm closest to him, and noticed that it is swollen as well. He had probably crawled around, trying to break free, the human thought.

A spasm of pain hit the human, making him cry out in pain, and cough harshly, waking the elf up. Legolas eyes shot open, and as he saw Estel sat up in front of him he managed a pained smile.

"Lle tyava quel Estel?" (Do you feel well?" He was going to say that, but it came out like a dry whisper. The human look at him, and smile relived when he saw Legolas awake.

"Ah. You're awake." He said in English as he couldn't think in elvish right now. His head was too blurry.

"Mankoi naa lle sinome Estel?" (Why are you here?"

"Orc's. They captured me." The ranger answer, and rubbed the back of his head as he remember the hit he got.

"Forgive me Estel..." Legolas sighed and closed his eyes, making the ranger rise an concerned eyebrow.


"I mentioned you...he thinks you know where the ring bearer is."

Aragorn sat back with a sigh.
"So that is what he wants to know.."

As he didn't got a response he continued talking, to keep the elf awake in case of concussion.

"Amin mela lle." (I love you) He whispered and gently stroked the hair away from his lover's face.

Legolas lips curled into a smile, but he didn't open his eyes. As the human's hand cupped his cheek he leaned into the touch.

"Amin me..." He began but got cancelled when the door swung open. Aragorn slowly let go of Legolas hand and stood on shaky legs to face the wizard.

"I do not know the location of the ring bearer."

"Oh I do not care about the ring bearer." The wizard smiled and shut the door in Aragorn's face, locking it.

"I have already sent an army of orc's to search the area. They will find them."

Aragorn glared into the wizard's cold eyes.

"Though, I would like to play with the elf. Elves don't die so easily so they are good toys."

"Except for this one. He is dying, you will kill him!" Aragorn hiss, not wanting to alarm the dying elf behind him.

"I am aware of that. Though, the elf is not important to me."

Aragorn glared at the wizard in pure hate, but a little worry in his grey eyes. Saruman was right, one elf matters not to him. He could easily kill Legolas with no regrets.

Aragorn couldn't think another thought until Saruman rose his staff, and slammed Legolas against the opposite wall, harder than last time. Legolas screamed out in agony before he fell limply to the ground.

"Legolas!" Aragorn screamed, and began to run to the unmoving elf, but Saruman also slammed him against the wall, face first.

He groaned as his nose broke, and fell to his knees, still facing the wall.

He sighed sadly and looked at the elf beside him as colours played before his eyes. Blood began to flow from his broken nose, down over his lips. Against a wizard a normal ranger don't stand a chance. He just had to wait until he was finished. Then he needed to help Legolas escape from Isengard and reach Lothlorien.

He closed his eyes when Saruman smashed Legolas against the wall one more time, but this time he didn't scream. He didn't even move a muscle.

Aragorn looked in pure panic at Legolas. A million thoughts entered his head at that moment. He can't be dead. Legolas can't be dead. Their love can't end like this.

Saruman chuckled when he noticed Legolas didn't moved anymore, and leaved the room, closing the door.

"Legolas.." The human whispered and crawled up to the unmoving elf, pushing himself up on his knees.


No response.

"Legolas!" The man said, a little louder his time. He didn't want to shake the elf because of his injuries, but he needed to wake him up.

He desperately took Legolas pale wrist in his shaking hands, and looked for a pulse. His heartbeat stopped when he couldn't find one. He pressed harder, desperately searching for one. He found none, and the man closed his eyes.

'No. No he can't be dead!' Aragorn thought as he leaned down over the elf, so close that his bleeding nose was touching Legolas. He felt no breath on his skin, and his eyes teared up almost immediately.

"No Legolas! Come back to me! You can't give up now, we are too close...Legolas..." The man sobbed and buried his face in the crook of Legolas neck. He wanted to smell Legolas, but the only thing he could smell was sweat and blood. His Legolas, he can't be dead. Not now, not today. There was to many things they wanted to do.

They would get married.

Please review, and tell me if you see any spelling mistakes<3

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