1. Escaping Moria

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Arrows flew from every corner of Moria, and Legolas grabbed some of them before firing them back, combined with his own. Sometimes he even shot two arrows at once.

He climbed higher up to get a better angle to shoot when the troll spotted him. It rose the chain it was holding, and aimed for the elf. Legolas ducked the chain, and made a little roll before aiming an arrow at the troll. He shot, an the arrow struck it in the shoulder.

Legolas scolded himself. How could his aim been so bad?

My pure rage the troll smashed him across the head with its fist, leaving a bit gasp in his forehead. The elf stumbled back against the wall, clutching his head.

"Legolas!" A distanced voice screamed, but it sound like under water for him.

The troll took its chance when Legolas was too lightheaded to see anything, and whipped him with the chain against his side, making the Mirkwood elf cry out in pain before his eyes slid shut. He first fell to his knees, dropping his bow to the ground beneath him. Then he fell down from the higher spot he was kneeling onto the ground, where he remained unmoving.

Aragorn was desperately trying to get to the fallen elf, pushing orcs out of his way, and running under the trolls legs to just avoid the chain it aimed at him.

Gimli too, saw everything that happened. He tried to win Aragorn some time so he could help the elf, so he killed every orc in reach. He stood beside Legolas head, like a human shield.

"Legolas." He human breathed and sunk to his knees beside the elf. But before the ranger could do anything another voice screamed his name.

"Aragorn!" Frodo scream, terrified. "Aragorn!"

Aragorn looked behind him and saw the cave troll hold Frodo in the air by his foot, ready to kill him right there with a sword.

Knowing that Gimli kept Legolas safe without him even asking, Aragorn ran for the troll. It pained him, but he knew the ringbearer was more important.

He was about to stab the troll in the stomach when it saw him, and smashed him against a pillar. He groaned in pain as his eyes slipped close.

When he woke up once more the battle was still going and he quickly sat up, ignoring the stabbing pain in his head. He probably had a light concussion, but it could wait. He needed to find Legolas.

He saw a figure on the ground a bit away, and felt like his breath was punched out of him. It was Frodo. A sword was sticking out of his chest. A loud crash was heard from behind him. The troll had fallen.

He crawled to were Frodo lay, and was afraid for what he would see. Fortunately, Frodo has alive, and unhurt thanks to a kind of armour-shirt they call Mithril.

He looked behind him, and realised that he couldn't see Legolas anywhere. A bit anxious he asked:

"Where is Legolas?"

Everyone bowed their head and looked to the ground, making Aragorn feel very uneasy.

"You trusted me to protect him."

Everyone turned to Gimli, who had tears in his eyes. "I failed. The troll fell on him."

Aragorn didn't wasted any time running over to the troll, trying to push it away. Just then he realised how heavy it was, and was really scared if what he would find beneath it.

With Gimli and Boromir's help he managed to push he troll away, and he gasped loudly at what he saw.

Legolas chest was all bumpy, probably all his rips was smashed. The gap on his forehead was bleeding badly and he had a great whip mark on his side, visible through the ripped clothes, bleeding as well. His arms were clearly broken as well, so was his legs, but he was breathing. Small, ragged breaths, but is was something.

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