11. Lothlorien

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When Haldir got back to Lothlorien he rode past a scared looking Gimli, and stopped outside the healing tent. He dismounted and entered. He carefully lay Estel down in one of the beds and Pippin was quickly at he human's side, holding his limp hand. One of the other elves ran for a healer, and for a moment there was nothing they could do but wait. Gimli appeared a minute later, completely out of breath.

Legolas was shocked by how quickly he got tired. He would have to get used to this, he thought. He had to stop a few times to breath before he continued, pushing himself towards Lothlorien. He had a bad feeling in his stomach, and it wasn't just exhaustion.

Pippin was so scared. He couldn't thought of the last time he was this scared. Aragorn was dying alone in the wild, Legolas is missing and Gimli is in Lothlorien. What had happened? He held the man's hand tightly when Haldir stuck a needle in his arm. He had the other elves in the room, who is running and getting things for him.

Legolas stopped when he reached the woods of Lothlorien, and was alarmed when no elves greeted him. There was always at least one elf on guard. Scared, he run into the trees, and towards the healing tent. He didn't know why, it just felt like the location he needed to get to.

What he saw when he reach the open tent made him want to faint, and he raised a hand to his mouth to stifle a gasp. Estel lie on a bed, pale and limp. Elves surrounded him, and a healer giving him herbs and needles in his arms.

When the crowd noticed someone was watching them they looked up and Legolas saw Gimli and Pippin in the crowd. The dwarf looked happy and shocked at the same time, and quickly ran forward to hug the elf who halfhearted hugged back.

"What happened Gimli?" He whispered, like he did not trust his own voice. In this situation he didn't.

"He fainted and I couldn't wake him." He dwarf sighed sadly. "He was poisoned by an arrow when he drew the orc's away from you."
Way to late he noticed what he said, and nervously looked up at the elf. He was looking pale as well, and tears shining in his eyes.

Legolas couldn't believe it. Estel was poised because he saved him. All the time in Isengard he was poised, and still kept going. The man never stopped amaze him, but he needed to stop hiding injuries.

Legolas tried to run to the bed but Gimli held his hand tightly. Gimli was actually stronger than he looked, and Legolas was weak and struggled in vain.

One elf pushed Pippin, Gimli and Legolas from the tent as they worked, and Legolas stared at the curtain he had closed in his face. He didn't move, just stood facing the tent.

Gimli took the elf's hand and tried to lead him away, but he refused to move. He just turned around and sank to the floor, back against the tree.

Pippin looked sadly as the elf massaged his closed eyes, trying to clear his mind.
"Legolas?" He whispered gently and the elf looked up, looking more miserable than the hobbit had even seen him.

"How did you return?" Pippin thought that it was good to have something to talk about to make the time go faster.

Legolas sighed and looked down, smiling sadly as he remembered the sight of his mother.

"My mother helped me. I died you see, and woke up in Valinor."

Pippin's and Gimli's eyes widened, and Legolas could have laughed at the sight.

"My mother helped me come back. Though, I am now mortal."

Gimli sat down heavily next to the elf, giving him nervous glances like he did not know what to say. Pippin also looked nervously at the elf, like he did not know what to say or do.

"Though I do not mind. I was about to give Estel my immortality anyway."

The hobbit suddenly smiled widely. He knew Legolas loved Aragorn, and the other way around. He was so happy the elf was back, and he longed to see the man's reaction.

Gimli grinning picked the elf in the side, making him jump in surprise, and hide a giggle.

"Hey, don't do that."

"Oh, looks like I found a weak spot."

The dwarf continued to tickle the elf, making his mind wander away from his dying lover for a while.

The curtain suddenly opened, and the elf was quickest on his feet.

"How is he?" He asked and pressed his lips together, fearing the answer.

"Stable right now, but not out of danger. We succeeded to get some poison out of his system, but not all of it."

"Can I come in?"

The elf did not seemed pleased with the idea, but let him in anyway. He was the prince after all. Legolas nodded his thanks and kneeled next to the bed, taking the cold hand in his own. He blowed on it and massaged it, trying to get the warmth back.

Deciding that they needed some time alone the elves leaved the room to join Gimli and Pippin. When they were alone Legolas let his tears escape. He couldn't help himself, he just felt so scared and happy at the same time. Estel was alive, and stable for the moment, but could as well die right now in front of him.

Silent tears fell, and landed on the man's cheek. The elf raised a hand to cradle the man's cheek, and chuckled gently when he touched the beard the human grew and seemed to love. Elves doesn't have beards. His smile turned into a sad one as he stroked the cheek, then moving to his hair, pushing it out of his face gently. He wasn't an elf anymore.

"Please wake up Estel.." He whispered, and his voice sounding heartbroken.

"I need you, wake up A'maelamin. Amin mela lle. Amin dele ten' lle."
(My beloved. I love you. I am worried about you.)

He looked down on the hand he was cradling so gently, and whispered.
"I'm so sorry Estel..."

As the human doesn't move or show any signs of awakening he lay down next to him on the bed, and squeezed his hand between them. He used the other hand to lay over Estel's chest, embracing him. He fell asleep there, embracing his lover.

Please review and tell me if you see any spelling mistakes:)

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