9. Aid on its way

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The picture is there because it's so cute <3

Next time Legolas woke up he felt much better. He even had enough strength to rise from the bed to look around in the room.

It was a dresser, a bed and a bookshelf in the room. Paintings hanged on the walls, and flowers covered the dresser completely. He smiled and leaned down to smell the flowers, closing his eyes in pure pleasure. This was the flower he knows is Estel's favourite.

The door opened and Legolas saw his mother in the opening. A smile reached his eyes and he nodded as a greeting.
He received a smile back, and then the questions began.

"Can I get back?"

She sighed and sat down heavily on the bed, patting the spot beside her. Legolas nodded and sat down. He wished he could touch her, but he was only a spirit.

"There is only one elf in history who returned Legolas..." She explained and looked at her son, who already looked miserable as he realised he probably can't back.

"But.." She continued, making Legolas look up, hope shining in his eyes once more.

"If there is something really important back in Middle earth, you can return."

"So why didn't you?"

She look up to meet her son's gaze, who was shining with tears.

"Why didn't you?"

"I couldn't Legolas...If you return you return as mortal and I couldn't do that to you. I would eventually die anyway and a young elfling shouldn't see death twice at so young age."

He reached to touch her hand in a soothing way, but his hand went though hers.

"I understand." He nodded and looked down.

"Though, Estel is mortal as well. He is a dunedain, but mortal." (Aragorn is 87 years old because he is a dunedain. They live longer, but are not immortal.)

She nodded and smiled a smile which reached her eyes, making them shine.

"You really love him. It should be important enough to go back."

Legolas sighed happily, and look around the room.

"So what is this place?"

"The halls of Mandos, in Valinor. Elves who die are placed here."



"You promise I can return?"

Their eyes met, and his mother didn't like the desperation in her son's eyes.

"I will make sure you can. I promise."

He smiled relived.

Aragorn rose from the ground, wiping his sweaty forehead with the back of his palm. He didn't thought this much pain was physically possible, but he forged himself to continue. His heart ached, and his body. His heart hurt worse though, and he pressed his fist against his heart, trying to less the pain.

"Let's go." He said in a unsteady voice and began to walk, leaving Isengard behind. He wondered why Saruman didn't stopped them, but surely he didn't cared.

They walked until their legs hurt too much, and they fell to the ground. Too exhausted to even keep guard both fell asleep quickly.

Pippin sighed and looked at the hobbits he walked with. He hasn't eaten all day, and he almost pleaded for them to stop. After a little argument they stopped, and Sam cooked dinner.



"Do you think at least two of us should have stayed?"

Merry sighed and look into the fire, the flames reflecting in his concerned eyes.

"I don't know Pip. Frodo needs all help he can get."

Pippin nodded, but was unconvinced. His gaze joined his cousin's in the fire, and he made up his mind.

When Aragorn woke up next dawn, his eyelids was to heavy to lift. He tried to push himself off his stomach, but couldn't find the strength to. He needed food, and water. His mouth was dry, and his stomach hurt from lack of food. He hasn't eaten in a few days now.

Gimli woke up beside him, and quickly prepared to continue to travel. He noticed Aragorn couldn't get up from the ground, and kneeled down next to him.

"You alright laddie?"

Aragorn couldn't answer as he vomited up all bile he had in his stomach, including a red liquid. Blood.

Gimli covered his mouth with his hand, and they both thought the same thing.
The poison from the arrow was starting to injure his body from the inside.

"We need to reach Lothlorien now." Gimli actually pleaded and tried to lift he ranger. As he couldn't, he began to run, alone.

When everyone had fallen asleep Pippin quietly sneaked up to pack his bag. He took a piece of Lembas bread and a skin of water before leaving the camp.

Legolas looked after his mother as she left the room, and he laid down in the bed again. The faster he regained his strength the faster he could go back and save Estel.

Sorry for a messy chapter XD please leave a comment anyway, and tell me if you see any spelling mistakes <3

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