6. An Orc army

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Aragorn kept running even after his body desperately wanted him to stop. He knew that the longer they rested, the longer Legolas would be a prisoner in Isengard because of him. Because he left him when he needed him the most.

Gimli kept giving him glances sometimes, like he suspected him to faint on the spot. He proved the dwarf wrong though, as he kept running and completely ignored the pain the poison gave him.

Legolas eyelids slowly opened once more as Saruman entered the cell, closing the door, but not locking it this time.

He walked to stand above the elf, staff tightly in his hand.

"I want an answer elf."

"Auta miqula orqu..."(go kiss an Orc) The elf whispered hatefully and closed his eyes once more, as if all of his strength just leaked out as he kept them opened.

Saruman frowned as he couldn't understand what the elf was saying, and angrily showed the elf against the wall. Legolas groaned loudly as he once more smashed against the floor. He squeezed his eyes shut, both in pain, and because he didn't want to see the wizard.

"I want an answer elf."

"I won't tell you anything."

"Hmm...pity..because I just thought I saw a man running this way..and perhaps a dwarf as well."

Legolas eyes snapped open, and he looked up on the wizard without moving his head.

"Ah. Now when I got your attention. You wanna tell me where the ring bearer is, or I'll simply kill your friends. I got an army of a thousand orc's ready, just waiting for my order."

Legolas eyes could shoot fire, and he clenched his jaw, not wanting to insult the wizard again which could cause the death of his friends.

"I don't know where he is. Let me talk to the ranger." He whispered hopefully and clenched his fist as much as he could in anger.

"He knows where the ring bearer is?"

Legolas mentally slapped himself. How could he have been so stupid to involve Estel in this?

"I don't know.."

"Alright. Than I'll just kill him."

Legolas quickly push himself up on his elbows with strength he didn't knew he had.

"Don't." He pleaded, and was almost stunned by the innocence in his voice.


"He knows where the ring bearer is! Kill him and you'll never know."

Legolas quickly regret what he said, but it was too late to take it back. He just told Saruman to capture Estel, and maybe even torture him for answers. The concussion was messing with his head.

Saruman lifted his chin and grinned before he left the room, locking the door behind him. Though the thick wooden door he could hear the wizard's voice.

"Capture the man! Keep him unharmed!"

Aragorn didn't know how long they had been running, but his legs felt weak. His whole body hurt, surely it was the poison. He had a massive headache, making him see stars.

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