5. Isengard

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Warning, It will be a bit of torture in this chapter. Don't like it don't read :) (and yes I will start with this thick text in the notes ;))

It was past midnight when Legolas came back to the awakening world. He couldn't find the strength to open his eyes, but he could feel he was bumping up and down. Everything in his body hurt, especially his chest, and he felt dangerously sick. Suddenly his mind awoke from the pain and he could hear grunts and grumpy voices everywhere around him. A warm liquid was running down his forehead, over his nose and lips, and he felt on the taste that it was his own blood. His head hurt terrible, and he knew he had a concussion.

"The scum is awake!" A little Orc yelled, making Legolas squeeze his eyes shut as his head was throbbing badly.

"We're almost there. Then Saruman can get some answers." A bigger Orc replied, smirking.

Legolas eyes snapped open, and what he saw made him almost wanna puke ever more.

He was in the middle of a crowd of orc's, he was was roughly thrown over one of them's shoulders.
It smelled of rotted meat, and blood, making Legolas breath through his mouth instead. But as his teeth began to shatter, he had no choice. The smell made him more sick.

Than a thousand questions hit Legolas, and his eyes opened again.

Aragorn. Where was he? Was he coming after him? Was he alive? What happened to Boromir? Where is the Gimli and the hobbits? Where is Mithrandir?

He struggled with the rope around his wrists, but quickly gave up as his earlier broken arms treated to broke again as they wasn't fully healed. The Orc that carried him grunted and he almost stopped breathing in fear.
He sighed defeated, and bravely waited for what was about to happen.

After sunset Aragorn began to admit to himself that he is getting tired. His legs hurt, his back hurt, his throat hurt. Suddenly he almost couldn't breath anymore so he was forced to stop. Gimli stopped beside him, he was also out of breath, but not as much as the injured ranger.

"Maybe we should rest for an hour?"

"Then they will reach Isengard." The ranger panted.
"We are not far behind, I can almost feel their footsteps in the ground. They are at most an hour ahead of us."

Aragorn panted heavily. His knees buckled under him and he fell to his knees. Colours played before his eyes and he vomited over the ground, his throat hurting terrible.

"You alright laddie?" Gimli asked once Aragorn was done and raised a hand to wipe his mouth.


Gimli nodded and looked around him, spotting a small oak. Not big, but big enough for a cover.

"We should rest there." Said Gimli and pointed to the tree.

Aragorn nodded and rose back to his feet and followed Gimli there, sinking down to the ground once more.

He knew they couldn't rest for long, but he only needed a few minutes to stop his stomach from rolling.

He leaned back against the tree, and breathed deeply. Just as he was a little less lightheaded his head hurt. It felt like a arrow pierced it, and he screamed out, clutching his head in pain.

"Aragorn!" Gimli looked at him in horror.

"I'm alright..." He whispered and rested his head in his knees.

'The arrows had poison...' His head screamed at him as he leaned forward and vomited one more time.

Everything hurt, but he didn't think it was anymore then that. Maybe if he just kept breathing it would work out without something more serious.

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