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She grabbed my throat. "What do we have here? Ah a were wolf. now no calling for your friendsand i'll know if you do." She gave me a crooked smile. "It's OK guys only a pup." She waved toward the forest. All her moves unique and flawless.

Two more people came out of the forest. One was a boy ruffly two years older and a girl that could pass as twenty years old. Well they looked there ages but i know for a fact that what they look like doesn't count.

The boy has bright red, curly hair that was down to his shoulders. He looked old fashion he was wearing a sweater vest with khackies. He is taller than six foot. his moves where more solid and fast.

The girl was a leggy blond. Her hair was braided and reached down her back. She was wereing heels but even then her steps where gracful. She wore a white sundress that didn't reach her knees.

They all had one thing in comin and that was their peircing green eyes. It was like you couldn't escape then no matter where you looked.

"Why does she go first? I'm the one that's faster." The boy leand on the tree closest to him and examined his nails.

"Because she is the oldest and the one that saved your butt in the amazon." The blond went up and smacked him so hard he flew into the next tree over. He came back with teeth bared.

The leader (the girl with black hair) Droped me and jumped in front of them and shuved them booth in different directiond then ran over and picked me back up.

"Quit fighting we have more important things to do. We have a little pup on our hands." She held me up higher.

"She's cute she would look nice as a pet. Hello I'm Breanna." Breanna came up and petted me on the head. "Thats ian and the one holding you is Chelsea."

"Hey we arn't here to make friends or pets we are here to feed." Chelsea's fangs came shooting out and she slowly went toward my neck.

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