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I was running through the forest in my wolf forum. It actually felt calming to be in this forum. I felt i don't know like i was at one with the wild. Then my mind wandered to Scott's brother that walked in earlier on our conversation. He was so hansom but yet i could have sworn i have seen him before. Maybe in a dream from before I was a pup. I don't know maybe i'll remember later.

When i looked up I was heading straight for a tree. Then bam i hit it hard. I could tast the bark in my mouth. It was like a pop up book i didn't notice it until I opened my eyes and ouch that hurt. I Shook it off and started running again.

"You know when you turn into a wolf your suppose to be more aware of your surrounding so that doesn't happen." I could feel in my head he was chuckling at me. Then in the distance not far from where i was currently running but i could hear a long howl.

"It's not that funny you know."

"Oh yeah it is. I'm surprised you didn't get knocked out."

"Hey I am proud I have a thick head OK just watch it or else."

"Or what you'll make me laugh to death by running into a boulder."

I Finally made it into the clearing and pounced on him. He was waiting for me and picked me up and threw me into the next tree over.

 He transformed back. While i transformed back after i hit the tree.

"So about these vamps that want to kill you."

"Oh yeah those things." I started to growl the more i got into the sentence.

"Well we are going to look for them."

"I thought we were going to look for the man who changed me."

"We will just look for him or her after we find the people who tried to kill you.Before they try again."

 "Alright how do we find them?"

"That's the problem there scent is already gone sense it rained last night, but we will look more into things tomorrow. For now we better get some where new. i know this new hotel/motel we can stay at."

We were about half way to the hotel when we herd a noise coming closer. It was fast and I had a sence of cold coming from it. The wind came from that direction and i knew i smelled that scent before. Then came a flash back.


                                                                                  Flash back

"Hi I'm Breanna." At that  moment the wind kicked up and her hair moved into my face. I would never forget that scent.


Now I could smell that scent again. I changed instantly and ripped the cloths i was wearing not even caring that they were my last cloths.

She came up fast and was instintly infront of us.

"Hi" Breanna had her hands up.

Then I leaped at her.

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