The attack

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I shut my eyes. Ian was coming at me and I knew I had no chance agains him. I was just a pup and he was probobly over 200 years old. He even killed my friend. If I would die today then I will do it remembering Kevins face.

Then as I swore he was going to hit me a big gust of wind blew past me. I opened my eyes Mike was in his wolf forum bitting at Ian's neck. Scott was over at Breanna's body. Then Kyle was standing next to me wraping his arms around me.

"I told you I would always be around to protect you so why did you leave?" Kevin was pulling me away.

I wouldn't let him pull me. "I didn't want you to get hurt and Mike I need to do this myself. Let me do this."

His soft brown eyes looked at me giving me a look like please let me protect you.

"No I must do this he came to kill me not to hurt you. So please let me do this."

He steped really hard on Ians chest then let up and moved to the side.

I pushed Kevin away from me. He tried his hardes to hold on but I just pushed harder. He finally let go after a secound. I could still feel that he was worried and all tensed up.

"So Ian lets do this."

Ian looked at Kevin and gave him a smerk.

"No leave him out of this. Just me and you noone else."

He was still looking at Kevin and took a step foreward.

"Remember I'm the reason Chelsea is dead not him not anyone else just me."

He let out a scream of frustration and anger then charged at me for the secound time.

For the first time since I became a pup it was easy to change into my wolf forum.

We collided head on. His claws tried to rip at my neck but, not quite reaching it around me fur. His teeth snapping were ever they could reach.

My claws were going a mile a mintue at his sides and scratching his cloths away but bearly affecting his skin. Then I snaped at his neck and successfully tearing. With two more snaps his head was completely off.

I didn' realize until I was going down that he had made a big scratch down my side. I passed out not even 2 secounds later.

I was dreaming of walking on the beach in a long sky blue dress. I was holding onto someones hand. I thought It was Kevin at first but then I looked up. It was a man but I couldn't tell who it was all I could see was his mouth. He was wearing a face mask. Witch was unusual in this wealther.  

Then all of the sudden we were in the forest and there was snow on the ground. I was now wearing a shorter dress with fur around the colar. The man was now at the edge of the forest.

I could here someone calling me in the distance. It was Kevin and I wanted to go to him but I didn't know where he was. I looked back at the man.

"I'll be back and he won't be able to kepp you safe." He took off his mask.

It was him I recgnized his face was...

Then I woke up. I saw Kevin kneeling beside me. I was human and had a blanket over me and that was all I was wearing exept for an expertly wrapped bandage around my already healing cut.

"You'll be fine just don't ever leave me again. Promise?"

"I Promise" Then I got up. We were back at the motel. "I walked into the bathroom found my two piece and put it on. I walked back into the main room.

"Who wants to go for a swim?" I opened our door.

Scott and Mike just shook there head. Kevins answer was stated boldly. He took his shirt off and ran out the door and did a caninball into the pool. I followed him and did a swan dive into the pool.

We were swimming in the deep end. I started to swim faster when he grabbed my wast and pulled me back. His tuff arms wraped around my waist and wouldn't let go.

He pushed a peice of hair out of my face. I looked away with bright red blush crossing my face. he lightly grabbed my chin and turned my face toward him. Then he leaned his face down and kissed me.

I guess he foregot to pedal and I know I did and we ended up going under the water. We came up bursting up laughing and choking. We huged each other when we got out.

He took out a towel and wraped around me and held me close. Then leaned down and kissed me again but this time less clorine and this time more passionatly and slowly.

                                                                           END OF PART ONE :)


well there you go to my fans that have stayed so loyal through it all hope you liked it did the best I could.

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