Chapter 3

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"Why did you lie about your soul mate being dead? Why would you do that?" I was talking to Kora outside where no one could hear us so she wouldn't be embaresed infront of people.

"What are you talking about." Here eyes were trying t water but, when she noticed I wasn't falling for it she stood up straight and her face went flat. "How did you find out about my soul mate not being dead?"

"Well you did hit on my soul mate and if yours was dead then you wouldn't be hitting on mine." She was sitting on the ground in criss cross apple sauce way. I was standing up with my arms crossed figureing out if I could truly trust her again.

"Well I guess I gave myself away didn't I? Too bad that just means I have to pull my plans a little tighter than I thought I would have to." She had a grin on her face like she was hiding something.

"What do you mean plan? What are you talking about?" I was starting to get really worried about this. Kora stood up.

"I have someone that you might want to meet. Well he might want to meet you. He hasn't seen you in months." She grabbed my arm and pulled me out into the woods. I wanted to scream for someone to come and help me. For some reason I couldn't scream and I was walking like I had no choice to. "Oh this isn't who I wanted you to meet but he is the best. He has a speacil ability and I bet you can already be feeling haveing a toll on you."

"Hi I'm Sean. My power she is talkingabout is to control how you move or talk. Hence you can't scream like you want to or run away like you want to." He was a tall man. His hair was a golden tint and fell to his shoulders which were big and brooding. His eyes were bright green which means hes has ate resently.

We continued farther into the woods until we hit the tree that is were I meet Kora. There was a big man leaning against the tree. The first thing I looked at was his eyes. I don't know if it was lucky but, he wasn't a vampire just a werewolf like me a Kora. His eyes were a chocalete brown. He was really buff like a wrestler. His hair was short and brown.

"Wow I havn't seen you in what has it been 5 months. You prabobly don't even remember me. My name is Bruce. I'm a well devoted father. I like to find my children like you." He showed his teeth like an alpha.

"No it can't be. I was just getting my life right you can't be here." I knew that Sean had no grip on me now and I ran away back to the house.

"Stop" My body stoped and I couldn't move another step.

"I trusted you not to run away from me. Bring her back here to face me." I was turning around and walking back toward Bruce. I fought it every step of the way back. "Can't you just here me out? Why do you have to fight? I love you can't you love me?"

"Well it is your falt that I'm like this so no I can never love you. I will fight every step I take every  move I make is going to be against you. I will never love you. No matter how hard you try I will never love you or trust you."

"Well you'll just have to come with us untill you do learn to love me. You don't have to trust me just love me like a father." He was walking up toward me.

"I will never ever love you like a father." I spit in his face.

"Now now that's not very nice to do to your father." He had that grin on his face again.

"Mike is my father. He raised me since I was a pup and all this is your falt then you left me you suck." I wanted to hit him so hard but, yet I couldn't move my body.

"Well you are going to have to leave with me you now that right?" Bruce was staring at me intensly.

"Why do I need to leave with you huh you have done nothing for me?" I still wanted to hit him.

"Because if you don't then something will happen to that nice little house that you are planing to go back too. The one with all the people that you love in it. The vampires and werewolf. Did I mention your soul mate." He had a evil little grin on his face.

I cracked I couldn't do it. I couldn't leave Kevin again but, I had no choice but to keep him safe and alive I had to go with Bruce.

"I will go with you as long as you spare him please." I was tearing up as I said the words that would probobly take me away from Kevin forever.

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