Thank You

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Finding a vamps house was easier then i thought it would be. All i had to do was follow the stench that scott had left behind. It smelled like I had put straight up vinigar into my nose. The funny part was that yesterday I didn't smell anything this bad on scott. I must have not payed attention.

I could feel someone watchin me as i aproched the house. "what are you doing on our turf?"

"I'm looking for scott I wanted to talk to him." I said standing my ground.

"Now what would you want with my brother?" He was crouching on the branch over my head. He jumped down and landed in front of me.

"I just wanted to talk to him." I pushed him back with two fingures.

"Oh a girl with some fist i like that." He came at me pushing me up against a tree.

Flash backs of yesterday came at me all at once.

"Get off of her now frankie!" Scott was suddenly there behind frankie.

"Aww let me play with her i mean its not like i can hurt her because our packet." Frankie had a big huge grin on his face.

"I said let go of her." Scott grabed the back of his shirt and threw him against another tree.

"Fine i see how it is take a weres side over your own brothers." then frankie wasn't there any more.

I sank down to the ground with my hands on my head. I couldn't really pay attention to any thing that was going on.

"Hey are you in there? Hello." All the sudden I could see Scott kneeling down infront of me.

"Yeah I'm here now." I looked up at him and gave him a little grin.

"Good now what did you want to talk to me about." he sat down on the ground.

"I just wanted to thank you for saveing me yesterdayand i guess now i have to thank you for today to." I grined at him again.

"You didn't have to come here to say that i already knew that you were thankful." He didn't have a smile on his face it was more serious than anything.

"How did you already know?" I didn't understand what he was saying.

"My family isn't as normal as any other vampire family we have special gifts you might call them. Mine is that i can read any mind that i want its just a little harder with werewolfs than humans." He stood up and offered me his hand. I took it and we walked into the woods together.

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