Ch5 ~ Seemingly content...

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As Yoongi and Jihoon saw Jin off, walking him to the nearest bus stop and leaving him once he'd boarded the bus to his home, they began to trudge home with barely any energy to walk home gracefully. Jihoon resembled something like a sloth as he made the final steps to the door of the Kwon sanctuary. After he'd gotten a hearty meal in his stomach, he'd get drowsy, so much so that he claimed his bed was calling for him to sleep soundly in between its' sheets of pure comfort.

Yoongi on the other hand, hated sleeping. Most of his sleep filled nights engulfed him in regret and longing for someone to love and worse... someone to love him back. The angsty dreams he had weren't dreams per say, they were memories of a diminished happiness, a love in which he wished he could erase from his memory. He hated turning back to it, hated even the slightest reminder of the beauty in which he'd trusted his heart with. And as if fate wanted to play with his mind, with his frail feelings, he'd been reminded of his past love every night since it happened, keeping the memory so vivid in his subconscious, since he gave her that almost deceitful embrace...

~4 years earlier~

Walking along a familiar path, Yoongi chirped happily on the side walk as he reached the outside of his girlfriend, Hyojin's, residence. He was excited to see her, they'd agreed to go out for a meal together, near the river. Two long years they'd spent together, two woefully happy years, that's a lot for a pre-pubescent thirteen-year-old going into manhood. A couple fights and lonely nights were nothing, the two seemed so in love it was as if they had no trouble within the secure, loving relationship, it wasn't ever evident that they'd gotten into any fights, so it hurt all the more when Yoongi turned a corner.

There, right outside the gate of her house, was Hyojin in the arms of another boy. A tall, lanky person with his hands all over her body, up and down her waist, dangerously close to her breasts and unconsciously reaching for her butt.

Yoongi retreated behind the corner, observing from afar, hoping to God he was seeing another girl and not his own over there, laughing and smiling with an unknown boy, someone he'd never even set eyes on. Maybe he had, he wouldn't know since he didn't remember names or faces very well.

God's answer wasn't the one he was desperate for.

And as if things couldn't get more heart wrenching, they started kissing each other, their tongues exposed and eyes closed gently like they were enjoying it... as if they were the ones who'd been going out for two years.

Yoongi felt his heart sink, his vision blur and his entire body quivering with the intense sense of utter betrayal. How could she do this? They were so happy and content with each other. The concept of his sweet, kind-hearted girlfriend cheating on him seemed so foreign, it was gibberish to him. Hyojin was innocent and loyal, she never lied to him. Ever. Never kept any secrets from him, told him everything like it was a part of her daily schedule. She could never commit such a heinous crime, she would never do something so damaging to Yoongi... and yet... it was happening right before his eyes... the biggest secret written in saliva and touchy finger tips. The largest deceit in a relationship.

Still, he didn't let himself shed a tear, not until he was out of their presence.

He trudged slowly to her, so slow it was like he was moving in slow motion. He wholeheartedly wished the moment wouldn't come to be, but pretty soon, the girl noticed him in the corner of her half-closed eye. She gasped, pulling away from her make out partner and staring right at him with an open mouth. Hyojin's eyes gaped open unnaturally as he reached an arm's length away from her unwillingly, close enough so he could see the guilt and surprise in her chinky, brown eyes.

Hyojin's make out buddy was trembling like a leaf. Yoongi had a reputation in his learning institution for being one of the most terrifying people on the school block. There were rumours which consisted of him beating up a teacher in his first year of middle school. Ludicrous of course, but everyone believed it since he looked, sounded and acted the part. They just believed what they wanted to believe.

"I-it's not what it looks like..." she stuttered, trying to step away from her blank faced boyfriend. Yoongi blinked away the agonising tears, trying hard to conceal any sign of weakness. He pushed away the recurring pain in his legs, pretended he wasn't about to fall to the ground. "Yoongi..." she tried to touch him as she spoke with a fragile voice, but he pulled away... only to pull her back into his arms and whisper softly in her left ear.

"I hope he makes you happy..." and he walked away before she could get another word in. The truth was, he wanted so badly for him to hurt her, more than she'd hurt him. Didn't she deserve it? She was a girl who didn't know how amazing her boyfriend was before she went and fooled around with another boy, so she deserved it, to feel pain like Yoongi had... right? Yoongi sighed internally, knowing his head was spouting bullcrap. He knew how much he still loved her... so much it gave him a reason to let her off easy. And even after all this, he couldn't help but think I'm still so hopelessly in love with her.

"Y-Yoongi wait..." she stammered clumsily, stumbling after him, but Yoongi couldn't hear her. He was already so consumed by the sudden betrayal; his hearing had gotten momentarily disabled. "Yoongi wait! I-I can explain!" She tripped on something, probably nothing, and fell hard on the bruising pavement, hot tears spilling out like she was the biggest victim in the events that had just occurred. I'm sorry...

As he turned a corner, the corner in which he'd come from, walked a little ways more to make sure he was alone, before he collapsed in a dirty alley way, finally giving into the acidic tears that were brimming in his eyelids. His chest was tightening, his cries so quiet it was painful to even breathe. He gripped onto a part of his jacket, where his heart resided, and trembled with fear and confusion. How? How could this happen? Everything was so perfect...

"Why are you crying?" A voice asked. Yoongi thought he was hearing things so he just answered anyway.

"Why do we fall for people that treat us like we're nothing?" He whimpered, hiding his eyes in the sleeves of his hoodie.

"Well," the voice replied. Yoongi felt a presence plop down next to him. "I guess it's because... we accept the love we think we deserve..."

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