Chapter 27: next stop

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Laila's POV
     It is currently 4:17 am....frick my life.
     My phones annoying af alarm is going off telling me to get up. We need to leave the hotel by 5am to get to our next stop on time, which is Niagra Falls.
     Ever since I was a little girl I've always wanted to go there. It always seemed like an extraordinary place to visit so I knew we would have to go!
     " Pants? Shirts? Hair products? Shoes?...etc"
    I ask Jacob going through making sure he had all his belongings packed.
    He, being forgetful, has already left a hoddie and toothpaste at a hotel, if it weren't for me, he would probably have half the the cloths with him he has now.
    " yup! Got it all" he said popping the "p".
      I walk over to my suitcase starting to zip it when I feel a sudden pain on my forehead. Before I could speak I could hear Tanner shouting " ooo, that's gonna leave a mark!"
       I realize what had just happened. I turn around with a red face, also I look like I'm about to kill a bitch.
      I see Jacob acting all innocent with something behind his back.
      I already knew it was him and what he was hiding, a Nerf gun.
     The last stop we were at we got Nerf guns to have a Nerf war, but it never happened so we still had them with us.
      I quickly dash over to the bag and pull a Nerf gun our for my self.
     While Jacob is facing away from he refilling his ammo, I shoot him right on his butt. He jumps in shock and then hold his butt while he prances around like a little girl. When he turns and faces me his eyes widened and a look of concern covered his face.
     " what?" I ask confused. He rush to me and his now standing close. His finger rubs on my forehead a little and then he says " wow, that's really red and bruised!"
     " no shit Sherlock, you shot me with a Nerf gun from like 15 feet away!" I say back.
     " I'll kiss it, make it better!" He said grinning. He pulls my hips and he kisses my forehead. After he releases I say " yes, it's much better now " while pinching his cheeks.
" well are you gonna kiss my boo boo and make it better?" Jacob asked with a sheepish grin.
" no, but I'll do this and make it better" I said as I pecked him on the lips. Before I could pull away he grabbed my face and kept our lips connected.
After a few more seconds he let go, he giggled with that innocent laugh and turned back to his suit case to pack.
After that interesting morning we are now in the car to Niagara falls. This is our last stop before going back home for a few days for our birthdays.
" can you pass the Oreos?" Caroline asked from the front seat. Jacob and I had been eating Oreos in the car the whole trip, we eat about 2 packages together on 1 car ride....we fatties😂.
Jacob hands Caroline the half empty container of Oreos.
" hey babe, how's your head?" Jacob asked me. He rarely calls me babe, mostly when he is concerned, " I'm fine, it doesn't sting anymore" I say referring to the red circle on my forehead left from the Nerf gun.
Jacob leans down and kissing the spot on my head again, instantly feeling relief. People might say , kissing it to make it better is just a trick to make children feel better, but with Jacob, it actually releases pain.
Through out the car ride we all sang along to Justin Bieber , twenty one Pilots, Kevin Gates..etc. at one point Sweatshirt came on and Jacob smirked.
He had been taking vocal lessons so his voice is quite beautiful now. He started to sing along and so did I.
" hey, remember that day last year when this happened on the way to chipotle?" Caroline asked. I did remember. It was the day that I finally knew my feeling for Jacob were true.
" that's was an amazing day" Jacob says and he stokes my light brown hair.
" it was a great day because it was spent with you" I say poking his nose.
We just pulled up to a Holiday Inn. We would only stay the rest of today, all of tomorrow, then we would head for Virginia tomorrow night.
" AHHH !! I'm so excited!!" I scream. I've always wanted to see Niagara falls and now I am!
" chill out, we will go soon" Jacob said reassuringly. We were going tomorrow, tonight we will just go to dinner.
***after dinner cuz the rest was boring**
Jacob and I hand in hand, Caroline and Tanner side by side, we walked back to the hotel from the near by restaurant. I had a disposable cup in my hand with a cherry limeade in it. I tripped in a crack in the side walk, Jacob attempted to catch me, but he fell underneath me breaking my fall.
" you ok ?" He asked from underneath me.
" ya, but should I be asking you that ?" I say with a giggle. He lifts me up to my feet , then I help him off the ground as he brushes off his clothes.
" um, I'm not ok!" I heard an annoying female voice say from behind Jacob and I.
I turn to see a girl about my age or older, tight, short , slutty clothing, and a caked face.
" why?" I asked confused. I looked at her red face, and her wet top. As I fell I must of thrown my drink , and it must have landed on her.
" oh, I didn't mean to, I'm so sorry! Is there anything I can do to help?" I asked concerned, yet not at the same time.
" ugh! This was a new top!" She screamed. More like a new bra, you could almost see the rim of her bra from her shirt crop top.
I walk towed her to hand her some napkins I still had in my bag. I hand them to her and she yanks them from my hand.
" Bitch" I hear her mumble from her breath. I heard it, and so did Jacob. His face got red and I could tell he was going I do something. I held him back as he started for that girl.
" chill, I got this" I said the him. I got on my tip toes and pecked his cheek before walking to the girl.
" at least I'm a boss ass bitch!" I say to the girl.
Caroline and Tanner head and there eyes widened. I didn't cuss much but now I was pissed.
" hoe!" She screamed
" slut" I snapped back. She looked down at herself and then at Jacob. She walked towed him and swayed her hips. She places a finger on his chest and whispers " you can do so much better"
That's it! Mess with me all you want but not my boyfriend! I know how Jacob felt. Before he could hold me back I jumped on her pinning her down.
" watch it slut, Karma's a bitch!" I say to her face. I get up, brush off my cloth, link arms with Jacob, and walk away leaving her speechless on the floor. I slay!
Jacobs POV
Damn. " I didn't know you had that in you" I say
" neither did I, but no one , and I mean no one, talks to my boyfriend that way!" She said. I love it when she is mad or sassy, it's too cute.
" and no one calls by girlfriend names, but wow, you told her!" I say back. She SLAYED.
" anything for you" she said pecking my lips.
We made it back to the hotel and prepared for tomorrow , Niagara Falls.
Laila lays down next to me , he back facing me. I begin to trace circles on her back, she loved this and it's very relaxing. Within in minutes I hear her soft snores. I lean over her shoulder and kiss her lips one last time before saying " love you my boss ass bitch, good night". I was referring to her sassy comment she made earlier. I could tell she heard me because a faint smile was in her face.
I can't wait for tomorrow, it's going to be a real adventure.

AN: so I'm soooo sorry I haven't updated in a week. The last 4 days I have been at cheer camp, and working all day. If I had free time I was practicing or writing these chapters. I wrote about three chapters, but never published because of sucky hotel wifi. So sorry for the wait, but I'll update a lot for a little while to make it up. Happy readings!

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