Chapter 15: Baby im back!

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Laila POV
All I can feel is pounding. My head hurts so bad, my sides ache, and my wrists are sore.'s pitch black too. I hear an air conditioner but no voices. My eyes feel like bricks. I can't open them! Ok Laila got this. 3...2...1... UGH! I need to open my eyes and get out of here. Memory of the recent events had flooded my mind and now I'm short of having a panic attack.
Ok Laila, breath. You got this, 3....2...1...POP! Yes! Ok now that I can see, wait...I'm in my bedroom, in my house, tied to a chair with a rope, and my mouth taped shut...WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON!
    I search my surrounding to see if there is anything I can use to escape. I'm currently tied to the leg of my own desk and sitting on the hard wood floor of my own fricken bedroom.
    I've been kidnapped in my own house...great... I remembered that i had scissors in my desk drawers. Who ever did this is really stupid for taking me hostage in a place where I know where everything is. Like what kind of criminals are they?
I use my chin to push open the drawer, I use my teeth to get the scissors, and my legs to move them to my fingers.
After 10 minutes of struggling
I finally get out of the ropes. I quickly but quietly yank the tape off my mouth. Damn that hurt.
I emediatly look for my phone. No phone. Shit. I need my phone!!!
I hear foot steps coming from my brothers room. I hear tanners voice as my bedroom door swings open.
    " Tanner? TANNER!! Why was I tied up?! What happened!!!!" I say frightened.
" shhhhh, it's ok sis. I was tied up too. So was Caroline. I was sent in here to tell you good bye...I love you sis". A tear fell from his cheek.
    " good bye? Where are you going?" I asked confused. " I'm staying here. Your the one leaving. Those people who took you said that once they get what they want you can come back...what do they want? " Tanner asks now full on crying.
    " who is " they" and I don't know what they want. What ever it is they are not taking me away!" With that I left him and my room. I march out the hall and down the stairs totally disregarding that those people are still in my house.
" have a nice nap princess?" That boy! I spun on my heels to face him.
   " I'm not your princess! Who are you and why did you tie my family up in my OWN HOUSE?!" I say frustrated and confused.
" oh sweetie, we just wanted things to more comfortable for you. If you give us what we want we will let you go..," the female said from the darkness of another hallway. The voice was familiar. Too familiar. ....MADDIE!
     " let me go where? Home? Oh wait., I'm already here! Get out of my house or I'll call the cops!" I scream.
    " ya with what phone?" The boy says smirking. I didn't know where my phone was and I knew Tanner and Caroline didn't have theirs either. I glance to my left and see and other girl who looks older that Maddie holding my, tanners, and Caroline's phones. I run in her direction my I fall on my first step. Damn shoe laces.
     " you don't have to tackle me..gosh. I'll give you your phone. You can call the cops , you have no proof. We have cleaned up your rooms, no ropes no nothing. We have erased our path. " the girl holding our phones says. She hands me mine. The first thing I do is look at the date and time. It was late at night and it was 2 days later.
    " wait, how long was I knocked out in my room?" I ask worried.
    " about two days. We didn't even hit you that hard. Whimp " the boy says. He has gotten farther than my last nerve now!
Wait, two days ...two days... TWO DAYS!!! Jacob is coming home today!!!!!!
Wait...two days ... Two day... TWO DAYS! I have been kidnaped and gone for two days. I can't believe the first thing I thought of again was Jacob.
" why are you here slut #1, slut#2, and doush bag#3?" I say to the group of people who took me.
    " you know what I want sweetie😊" Maddie says with an evil grin
" I deserve Jacob ! Not you! He doesn't love you, he loves me! I hate you, he hates you, so get over yourself and give up!" Maddie yells from a couple feet away.
" no, Maddie. Your the one who should give up! You have tried and tried to tear me and Jacob apart but every time we get closer and closer. Actually wouldn't you like to know that the night he asked me out was also the night your little " plan" failed. Good going Maddie" I say with an evil smirk.
" I told you to watch your back because I could be back ...well , baby I'm back!" Maddie yells in my face.

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