Chapter 42: Tour

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Time skip: last chapter was December 25,2016. This chapter: June 1st of 2018.
Over all time skip: a year and 6 months.

Laila's POV
" flight 6568 to Los Angeles boarding now" a monotone voice called over the intercom.
" that's us" my mom said picking up her carry on.
" this is it, are you ready?" I asked Jacob taking a step closer to the plane.
" I've never been more ready in my entire life, what about you?" He asks while handing the flight attendants out tickets.
" me too, lets do this!" I said planting a foot into the first step of the plane.
This is it, the Jacob Sartorius World Tour.
Your probably wondering what's going on right now, so let me explain. Last year Jacob went on his All My Friends Tour where he traveled all around the US. It was such a a big hit that he is going international. It's the first day of summer and Jacobs and I have just finished our sophomore years in high school, we are both 16 now too.
Normally I'm not a big big part of Jacobs career, I'm the one normal thing he has left, but after the US tour last year, and with me traveling with him everywhere, I became more noticed.
I'm not famous like he is, but I'm now known. I still like being the normal girl from Virginia but his have taken my life on the wild side, and I like it.
My mom, Pat, and myself will be accompanying Jacob on his tour all around the world. He never got the chance to do this with MagCon 3 years ago so he is really excited. This is also his first independent tour, the other ones have featured Ariel and Jonny Orlando. Let's just say, I couldn't be more proud.
" would you like anything to drink?" The flight attemdent asks rolling her cart in the isles.
" I'll have a sprite" Jacobs and I both answer at the same time.
We both look at each other and laugh, " so two sprites" she asks reaching in her cart.
" yes" Jacob says still laughing.
" here you go, enjoy" she says rolling away.
" thank you" we both say in sync again.
" ok we really need to stop" I say looking at Jacob again.
" can we FaceTime your dad when we land so I can see Dory again?" He asks taking a sip of his drink.
" yup, and we can every night if you'd like" I say wrapping my arm around his shoulder.
He nods and gets on his phone. Both our dads are trading off taking care of Dory while we're on tour and we already miss her.
I'll take advantage of this six hours of silence to just think about what all has happened.
Jacob and released three more singles, and while on tour a whole album.
He has been escalating in his career so fast and it's been worrying his parents because they don't want him to turn into another Justin Bieber.
Luckily he has me, the one normal thing left in his life to keep in line.
He may be known for his music now but he is still interacting with social media and his fans. At his concerts he doesn't only perform, but he has a meet and greet too because his fans still mean the world to him.
After about three hours of flight I ask the attendant where we are and she says passing over Colorado, so we're close.
After LA, we go to Europe, after making at least 10 stops in Europe we go to Australia, after Australia we will go to a Few islands, then back to Virginia for one last performance in our home town.
By the time the whole tour is over it will be September and time to start online school again.
Going back to our normal lives at home, Kate and Caroline are still best friends and Just finished their Junior year in collage.
Tanner and Caroline are still dating and he will be a junior next year.
Jacobs and I will be juniors in high school in the fall too.
It's crazy to think how far we've gone together, it's almost too much to comprehend.
     This will be our third year as a couple , but in October our 17th year of knowing each other, it's crazy.
     " hey" Jacob dad rubbing my shoulder.
     " huh?" I ask removing and earbud.
     "I'm working on another song, it's just an rough draft but can you help me, your kinda my inspiration" he says hiding his blushing face.
    " sure" I whisper back in the dark silenced plane.
    For about an  hour we both worked on his song, which he is hoping to get revised soon.
     " you know, I've never known anyone quite like you Laila" Jacob says filing his hand into mine.
    " how so?" Is ask, too tired to go into detail.
    " too much to describe, but I want you to know that I love you, and that than is just another one of our adventures, and it will all go as planned. " he explains trying to calm my nerves.
     " ya, just another adventure" I repeat his words to ease the stress I had been keeping in. It doesn't surprise me that he is the only one that could see it too.
Jacobs's POV
     I've been mentally preparing myself for this for weeks now and I think I'm finally ready.
    The plane is about to land and Laila is asleep on my arm.
     " Laila, Laila, wake up, the plane is landing" I whisper in her hear gently shaking her to wake her up.
    " huh? " she says siting up and rubbing her eyes.
    Her hair is in a nest on the tip of her head and there is mascara smudged under here eyes, yet she still looks like a goddess.
    " Jacob?" He says knocking me from my trance.
    " oh ya, the plane is landing " I said recollecting my thoughts.
       " ugh I hate airplanes " Laila's said flipping on the bed of our hotel room.
     " good thing we only have to fly around a couple times  tour, we will be taking a tour bus around Europe and Australia"  I said unzipping my suitcase.
     We got a late flight out of Virginia so we got to LA at about 5am and we are dead tired.
    " I'll wake you guys up in a few hours for sound check, then we can come back here to rest  up for the show tomorrow" my mom explained.
     " we are also meeting your managers for lunch too" Laila's mom, Lynn, adds on before climbing into bed herself.
     Since we're only in LA for two days we just got one hotel room with two beds. Laila and her mom will share one and my Mom and I will share one.
       With a thousand thoughts swirling in my mind, I tried to shut them off to get a few more hours of sleep before the next phase of my life begins, am I ready?

AN: another update soon.
Happy readings!

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