Steps Back(3rd POV)

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"Herald..?" The scout looked up at the herald face, confusion and anxiety written on it. 'Is this really the person who is supposed to save us?'

Gathering that the herald needed time he slowly backed away to report back to Leliana.

"King Levallen.." The words were familiar, but weren't Him, but they were him at the same time.

"Does it even matter anymore?" He yelled, exasperated. Eyes shot to him, gathering the attention of everyone in the area. His grey cheeks grew pink in the eyes of the people around him.

"Uh.. I'm sorry!" He gushed as he walked forward, snow crunching under his feet.

He gazed around. The town, Haven, giving him some confidence at it's familiarity. He jumped up a few stairs as he stared at the chantry door. He paused momentarily, before pushing open the door and running straight to the wooden door where voices were shouting came from.

"Chain him! I want him prepared and ready for travel to the capital for trial immediately." Roderick snapped to the two guards at the door.

"Oh for the love flying fucks... Roderick you are not a bad guy but you are being very stupid." He slapped his hand to his mouth as his pale milky skin went pink again. His eyes darting to Cassandra and the other advisors.

"Leave us!" Cassandra snapped as the guards followed her orders. He let out a sigh of relief. Roderick stared at him in stunned silence before storming away.

"I apologize. Sincerely." F
He let his hand fall to his side, rubbing anxiously against the fabric. "Um.. Continue?"

"Um.. This is Josephine, our Ambassador. This is Leliana, our Spymaster. Also, this is Cullen, our Commander."

"Uh. Impressive titles. It's a pleasure to meet you all." Felix gushed, all the while blushing pink.

"Looks like we're making him nervous." Leliana winked and smiled softly at him.

"Onto the business at hand," Cullen's stern voice pulled them back to business. He and Leliana went through the facts about the Hinterlands.

"Mother Giselle." He blurted out before thinking about it. "She's there and she wants to talk. Yes, yes, I know."

They gapped at him, staring at him in utter shock.

"Uh..." Felix tried to pull his mind together and give them something to explain how he knew. "I can see the future?" He tried to make it sound less like a question but failed utterly.

"You can see... the future?" Cassandra looked at him, her gaze piercing through his lie.

"Um.. yea!" He said, his voice more confirmative. He searched each person face trying to see if they believed it.

"You've been blessed with more then just the power to close the rifts." Cullen's voice was backing him up much to his surprise.

"I guess?"

"You guess?" Cassandra's voice again, questioning. Always the doubtful one.

"Um yea. I need to go!" His breath quickened as he pushed his way out of the room and ran out side the chantry. He leaned against the cold wall. The snow melting as his heat leaked out of him. His hands running along the sides of his head as he tried to ground himself.

"Hey Herald, you okay over there?" Varric Tethras' rough voice leaking into his ears.

"Maker, God, no. I'm not alright. This is so fucked." He snapped green eyes meeting the small stature of the dwarf.

"Hey. Trust me, I get how messed up this is!" Varric laughed comfortingly.

He sighed as he tried to pull himself together. He let out an airy chuckle, "You don't know the half of it!"

"Why don't you fill me in over a pint?"

One Step And More To Go (Book One Of The Steps Books)Where stories live. Discover now