The Stubborn and The Trusted.

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Sera and I had settled in nicely together. Despite her warranted confusion and weirdness about 'my abilities'. The trip back to Haven had been a bit frigid, so far, with Solas and I's obvious distaste for Vivienne and her ideals.

"Herald, you have to realize not all mages can be trusted," She protested in her suave way.

"Vivienne..." I snarled, my eyes flashing yellow; a new development as Koda and I grew closer.

"They need to be taught!"

"As students, not slaves," I raised my voice, eyes wide and teeth bared. "Your circles are prison at best, torture towers at worse. They condemn people who had no choice. Not every circle is bad, I realize that, but enough are to out weigh the goods. They harm so much more than they help."

She stared at me, mouth agape slightly. "I will leave you be," She sounded wary which surprised me.

I looked around and my companions were staring at me in shock. It was Solas who moved first. I was horrified with myself as he herded me away from camp.

"Explain," It was a simple command leaving no room for debate.

"I... Can't."

"Herald, explain." His words were sharp causing me to flinch.

I sighed resigning myself to explaining everything. "I'm not from here..."


"Fereldan, Thedas, this world..." The words started pouring out of me. "I'm from earth, a place so fucking different from here. A place without magic or darkspawn or elves or dwarfs or anything. I have my memories and I have King's memories, which I guess are mine too. King's.. No, Our Keeper mixed our soul with Koda's, a bear that was terrorizing our camp for several weeks. It's very fuzzy to me and I don't really know more than what Koda's told me. I'm so fucking lost of this all."

My breath came in short pants, the world spinning around me. I felt Solas' hands steady me before the headache started again. I screamed out in complete agony, clutching at my head. I felt relief wash over me as he waved a hand lit with arcane energy. My knees hit the ground as my vision blurred. The last thing I heard was Solas' crying out my name.


When I woke next we were in Haven. My eyes fluttered open to meet Varric and Cullen's faces. I tried to speak only to have my head throb again.

"Herald! You're awake!" Cullen said, voice tinged with excitement and relief. 

"Stinger, you gave us all a real fright."

"V-varric, how long has it been?" My voice was hoarse and hurt as I spoke.

"About a week, Stinger. Let's not do this again? Three times is enough in anyone's life I think," He teased with a soft grin. "I'll go let Seeker and the others know you're awake."

"No, Varric you stay, I'll go," Cullen offered. My hand shot out catching his as he stood.

"You stay, Curly, he wants you too." He smiled at me knowingly, causing blood to rush to my face.

"Alright.." He slowly sat down, watching as Varric left the small shack.

"Cullen, what's been happening while I was out?" I said, voice shaking slightly.

"Well Madame De Fer has settled in. She seems an admirable mage."

I tried to stop myself from scoffing but couldn't. Cullen lifted his eyebrow in question. "I think she's a bitch."

"Then why you accept her help."

"She's a useful bitch," I murmured softly.

"Ah, I see," He mumbled softly.

One Step And More To Go (Book One Of The Steps Books)Where stories live. Discover now