Gaining Allies And Distancing.

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"Herald you're back!" I was greeted by a very worried Cullen. The relief that washed over his face when he saw me would have been a bit amusing if I hadn't been the source of the worry in the first place.

"I'm sorry if I worried you Cullen. It's King, though." I smiled lightly.

"Ah yes. You prefer not to be called that. I apologize," He said, rubbing the back of his neck.

"It's okay Cullen. I need to give these papers to Adan. Then I need to go see the Chantry. " I slid past him. I let my eyes glance back at him before moving forward towards the apothecary. I hummed softly. I nodded at Solas in greeting as I passed, offering a smile.

"Ah. You've returned and in one piece." Adan greeted me.

"Hm, I think so." I look down at myself and pretended to check myself over. "Ah yes. I have." I offered him a toothy grin.

"What do you need Herald?" He said, the corners of his lips lifting ever so slightly.

"I found those papers you were asking about."

"Oh thank you. If you ever need anything..."

"I'll ask," I said.

-Later that day.-


"Yes Varric?"

"You seen how Sting is right?" He asked quietly, thinking I couldn't hear him.

I groaned and glared at him. "I'm fine."

"You aren't fine, Stinger." He glared right back at me, causing me to shrink back slightly. "You're scared, down right terrified. That's all fine, if you talk to us, but you don't," His words were stern and stopped me in my tracks.

I stared at him, "Varric, I know you mean well, but honestly don't." I snapped at him,"You guys barely know me."

His eyes widened, stunned. "Sting.."

I glared at him and stormed away.

'Felix.' Koda hummed softly.


'Don't push away your friends.'

'Well if they'd mind their own business...' I sighed and dropped down onto the end of the dock over looking the frozen pond. I gently swayed my feet.

"King?" Cullen said and gently sat beside me.

"Oh yes, sit." I sassed. I instantly felt guilty as I looked at his face. "Sorry, it's fine. What can I do for you, Commander?"

He smiled softly, "I thought we settled on first names?"

"Cullen, then." I said, softly.

"You and Varric have a fight?" He asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Mm. Maybe. Why?"

"Wanna talk about?"

"No." I shook my head, watching my legs sway.

"Alright. Is there anything you want to talk about?"

"Mm. Not particularly. I really should go apologize. He was just trying to help.." I sighed starting to feel guilty. I ran a hand through my messy hair.

"Yea. I think you should." Cullen smiled at me.

I watched him stand and offer me his hand. I took it, pulling myself up. I grinned at him and pulled him into a hug. "Thank you."

He stood stunned for a bit, before gently hugging me back. "You're welcome King."

I let him go and walked away to find Varric. I walked up the stairs and into the heart of the village, expecting to see the dwarf in his usual spot. Apparently I thought wrong. I pursued my lips and pouted slightly.

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