The Sharing Of Secrets

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With the addition of The Chargers, Iron Bull, and Blackwall, I decided it was time to head home to share my secrets with those who could be trusted. Varric was supportive of the idea but Solas was not. He constantly warned me of possible repercussions, which honestly hadn't made this choice any easier.

"Chuckles, leave him alone. It's his choice and his past. He thinks they need to know, so they need to know," Varric said when Solas began to talk again.

"Varric, you must realize that this could end with him in chains again," Solas protested.

"Damn it, Solas. You do not get to advise me on who I share my story with. Anyone else, sure, but never you." I snapped, snarling out the words,"I know who you are." His eyes widened and his mouth fell agape. I was positive my eyes were flaring yellow as he backed away slowly.

"I'm guessing this is private, so I'll just leave," Varric said, reading the area.

"You... Know," Solas said in disbelief.

"I know," I took a deep breathe trying to calm myself and Koda.

"And you allowed me to stay why?"

"Because I like you. I want to change your mind. I know it probably won't work but I'm going to try my damnedest." I ran my hands over my head as it started to throb again. I clenched my jaw harshly, breathing deeply.

"Ah... You're right, it won't work," His words were simple, yet with the pain felt like knives being shoved into my head with each syllable. I was gasping at this point. My knees hit the ground as I curled over the pain causing tears to pour down my face. "Herald, this is happening too much. I think something might be wrong. Let me heal you."

"You fucking think," I snapped growling as another wave hit me. He waved his hand over my head allowing a wave of relief to wash over me. I panted as I regained my composure. "Thank you..."

"Of course. You need to be careful. I'm not sure why these are happening."

"I know," I huffed, trying to stand but faltering and falling back down. Solas held his hand out, allowing me to stand up on shaking legs. "I thought I was done with the fucked up body," I laughed bitterly.

"I understand," Solas murmured.


Haven was a welcome sight after weeks on the road. Cullen was an even more welcome sight despite the anxiety over the impending conversation.

"King, you're back," He smiled at me with warm eyes.

"Yes, we stopped in the Hinterlands to follow up on Leliana's Grey Warden lead. Blackwall is great," I winced a bit as I talked, the dull throb still present as it had been the past few days.

"Ah, new allies are always welcome, especially ones with such a notorious legend as Grey Wardens," He said as he walked with me.

"I have something to tell everyone..." I murmured distantly. "I want to tell you first though... I trust you, Cullen."

"Alright," He drew out the word with a look of worry one his face. I held my hand out to him, leading him to the cabin where we had had our last conversation. The air nipped at my face. The snow crunched under my feet with each step only further highlighting the silence.

Cullen stopped in front of the door. "King?"

I sighed deeply, looking up at him nervously. "It's not King... Well it is, but it's not. It's confusing. I have King's memories and Felix's memories. I'm from a place called Earth. I have no idea how I got here or into this body. I know my soul and King's are one in the same but I'm so lost on everything else."

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 08, 2018 ⏰

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