9 : The Shoot

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Before you read the chapter : I don't know how photoshoots go , so if I get something wrong or it doesn't seem real , sorry but i just put in how I would expect it to go .

| Jayda | Friday | 12:00 noon | 

The shoot was at 3:00. So here I was laying on the couch eating Ice cream and watching Honey while Rosa sat on the other couch talking on the phone.

Me: Now you know damn well I can't hear the TV with your loud ass talking.

Rosa looked at me and continued talking so I threw a glob of ice cream at her , making her screech like an eel. Or whatever animal screeches.

Rosa: Jayda!

Me: Yes?

Rosa: That's cold!

Me: I know. Clean it up.

Rosa: No. You threw it.

Me: But it hit you.

Rosa: So?

Me: So go clean it before I put my toes on you.

Rosa: Ew. Okay I'm going.

There was nothing wrong with my toes , Rosa just thinks they are ugly. But they aren't.

My phone vibrated on the table and I grabbed it. It was a text from Skylar.

Skylar : Jayden moved the shoot to 2:00. I'll send a Uber for you guys. Where do you want me to send them?

Me : The Mandarin-Omarian Hotel. 

Skylar : Alright you got it. I'll order it around 1:25.

Me : Alrighty.

I decided to go ahead and get dressed and head over there. 

After 35 minutes , I was dressed and waiting for Rosa.

Me: Rosa , you ready?

Rosa: Yeah. I'm coming now.

Me: Alright.

She came out wearing sweatpants and a tank top with her converses while I had on leggings and a tank top with my sandals. I grabbed the keys to the new car and we went in the garage since I parked there yesterday. We got in and I backed out after opening the garage. I sped out the complex.

Rosa: Jayda?

Me: Yep?

Rosa: After the shoot , are we leaving again?

I could tell she was sad about it. I mean I am too. We've only been here for like 3 days.

Me: I dunno. I hope not. Ion wanna leave again.

Rosa: Me either.

It was quiet between us until we arrived at the hotel.

| Jayden |

Kayla and I were setting up the green screen while Skylar was directing where she wanted everybody. We were waiting for the models , the hair and makeup artists and the photographer.

Anna walked in eating a cinnamon bun. 

Me: Where's mine?

Anna: At the store.

She laughed and walked off.

Me: That was mean Peaches!

Anna: I know that!

I laughed to myself and looked at Skylar.

Me: It's straight , right?

She looked back at us.

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